30. juni 2016

Answer to "where did I go wrong?"

"Like I see all these "athletic/fitness" people promoting their workouts and diets. I think, what did I do wrong? I did what they said. Exercised and followed their "plan/lifestyle", but ended up sick." Gwyneth has written here somewhere that 2/3 of people have the "restrictive gene" that activates on diets. Like some find it hard to stop dieting. You didn't know this would happen when you started. You probably just wanted to be happy, healthy and beautiful.

Many also think: well if that is bad for us then I eliminate it entirely, but then the balance is gone. Those who live with fitness as their main interest focus on balance a lot, I think. They are perfectionists at living healthy. But what happens if something horrible happens in their life? They may as well lose the balance and eat too little and exercise to much.

They spend a lot of time focusing on looks, food, body and exercise. They try to have total control. It is quiet similar to ED even though it looks positive and not self destructive. But even though it isn't destructive for the body as much isn't it destructive for the soul when the person focus on superficial things so much? The soul is connected to what is natural.

I think our society needs to give the body a break, some freedom from our control. I lost trust in my body when an old man told me what I felt was not what I thought I felt. The whole society are like that. Noone trust their bodies. Why? Why do everybody like to misuse the power they have over the body? Why don't they respect it? Listen to it? Where is the sensitivety and intuition? What is wrong with natural? What is wrong with true power?

Every time I read tests of food products to find the best tasting ones the tests haven't cared about the taste, but just how healthy it is (meaning the ones with at least carbs and fat is the healthiest). And when I read about dark chocolate one day, at every page it was written that it must be eaten in moderation or you will gain weight!!! Truly, the society is more anorexic than me now.

29. juni 2016

Update 5 and a half week in recovery.

I did not get extreme hunger. It was just one day I needed more around the time for my period. The first two weeks I ate minimum amounts for my age: 2500 a day on avarage. Week 23 I ate: 3323 . Week 24 I ate: 4449. Week 25 I ate: 4917.

My feet and legs still hurts, but with less pain. My nails are growing so fast. No changes to my hair and no acne. I have a lot of edema as is a (good) sign of healing, and the big belly everybody gets. I have increased sexual energy and fantasies about sex.I have not been weighing myself.

Next phase, nr 2, is less waterweight and more fat, and extra fat will gather around the waist. I remember that from the other time I recovered. I had a lot of loose fat on the sides. But this went away and then I felt fab! If I'm lucky the water retention will pass in about 3 weeks. It will have been 8 weeks in recovery then. Those who had bulimia are having more edema and for a longer time than anorexic people.

Brød og is. Oppskrifter.

Dette lages megakjapt. Jeg pleier å lage is rett etter brødet med eggeplommene så ta vare på de og lag det etterpå. Begge oppskrifter kommer. Isen er også BEST!

Til ett stekebrett:
Sett ovnen på ca 200 grader.
Visp kjapt (sekunder) in litt luft i 6 eggehviter. Jeg brukte de fra rosa eggekartong.
Putt oppi den samme bollen 200 g cottage cheese, en god dæsj med salt, 2 ss olivenolje, 80 g mandelmel (og hvis du har lyst 1 ss sesamfrø uten skall.) Visp kjapt sammen og bruk slikkepott for å bre det hele utover hele langpanna på et pizzaark. Stek til den er gylden her og der. Det blir altså et brød i pizzadeigform. La det avkjøles og putt i kjøleskap. Konsistensen er fast så det er lett å smøre på smør og pålegg.

6 eggeplommer
2 små kartonger kremfløte
16 g kakaopulver eller 2? ts vaniljepulver.
36 suketter oppløses i bittelitt kokende vann i en liten bolle for seg.

Visp fløten til nesten krem, tilsett sukettvannet og mix det inn.
I en annen bolle visper du så plommene litt luftige, så tilsetter du kakaoen oppi eggene og visper det sammen.
Ta så en slikkepott og få eggene over i kremen. Mix det sammen kjapt. Hell blandingen i to medium store bokser eller e'n stor og sett i fryseren.

25. juni 2016

Blood: thin or thick

I have eaten a lot of dark chocolate lately, and when I bit my tounge it wouldn't stop bleeding. Dark chocolate are a blood thinner. I had the same problem when I drank way too much liquid.

Blood thickening: zinc, calcium, k2, some bacterias like those in yogurt and sourdoug bread increase the bodys production of vitamine K., beef, poultry, sea food, cashew and pine (K vit.),

Blood thinning: cacao/dark chocolate, aspartame, aspirin for head aches, sunflower seed and almond (vitamine E) , omega 3, vitamine e, pineapples (bromelain),onion, red wine, water, exercise and salicylates.

Blood thinning:

24. juni 2016

Valuable information from Gwyneth at Eatiopia that is deleted and displaced with Edinstitute.org

One third of the population has the gene to develop a restrictive eating disorder.

Obesity is not a disease. It is a reference to having more than average amounts of adipose (fat) tissue. Therefore the phrase "dangerously obese" or "morbidly obese" makes for great popular media headlines, but it is not a medical reality at all.
Fat tissue is not a storage unit. It is a critical hormone-producing organ. In fact only about 5% of the population has what has been nicknamed the "thrifty gene".
Under stress one-third of the population is hypophagic (eats less food) and the remaining two-thirds are hyperphagic (eats more food). But food consumption is not correlated to weight at all.
One-third of the population is estimated to carry the genetic predisposition to develop a restrictive eating disorder. The most common trigger for activating the condition is dieting.

Anyone can be naturally, completely healthy at BMI 41 if that is their natural weight set point.
People do not keep gaining. No one keeps gaining and gaining. Even those with the so-called thrifty gene who tend to end up right at the far right of the weight bell curve (BMI 40+) maintain a stable weight assuming they do not diet or restrict.

Is it possible to become heavier than your body's optimal weight set point? Yes. The most common way to do so is cyclical dieting. Sleep deprivation messes with hormone levels and rhythms to cause the adipose tissue to demand more energy thereby increasing weight. Some drugs have similar impacts on adipose tissue as well.
And because those with restrictive eating disorders instantly pounce all over the concept -- "But I've been dieting, does that mean I will end up heavier than I am supposed to be?" No. Cyclical dieting is a distinct behaviour that is not related to all the forms of restriction you practice on the REDS.
I'm going to quote all the material that missrising was kind enough to add into another thread:
Mehler's et al 2010 "Eating Disorders: A Guide to Medical Care and Complications. Mehler is an MD who works at Denver acute eating disorders unit.
Weight, like height, is a bell- shaped curve, and someone has to hold down the upper standard deviation from the average, although few women accept this fact.
70% of all women naturally fall between BMI 21-27. And no, women are not "overweight" at BMI 25-27.
These are all complicated concepts to synthesize in a post -- that is why the Fat series on the blog is as long as it is -- there is actually a lot of clinical data and fact that explains these concepts and it takes time to unravel all the common misconceptions we all hold.
There is only one group of individuals for which the act of "gaining and gaining" really occurs. It occurs for a very rare set of individuals born with serious genetic mutations whereby all the checks and balances of hormonal interplay to define hunger and satiation are shot. These individuals are also often mentally and physically damaged as well. One of the few genotypes within this class is Prader-Willi syndrome. There are a few others. The number of individuals afflicted with these conditions is infinitesimal and if you can read and understand most of these sentences, then you are not among them.
July 25, 2012

However, the body in recovery does initially restore fat tissue first and foremost around the mid-section. It does this for survival reasons to insulate your vital organs so that you are at less risk of dying from hypothermia were you to starve again. The fat stores redistribute evenly around your body beginning near the end of your recovery process and sometimes taking up to a year beyond reaching your optimal weight set point. Assuming you are continuing to eat recovery guideline amounts (3000+ a day under the age of 25) then you will stop gaining weight as soon as your body hits its optimal weight set point. That is when the re-distribution of fat stores begins.
Unless you are over the age of 25 any previous weight you have had is irrelevant because there is so much skeletal restructuring that happens between the age of 16-25 that we cannot remain at an earlier BMI because the shape of our bodies change such that we need more flesh to cover it proportionately.
22 march, 2012

Found on Youreatopia.com:http://www.youreatopia.com/blog/2012/11/23/phases-of-recovery-from-a-restrictive-eating-disorder.html

Phase I- Edema
Digestive distress is common in this first phase: bloating, gas, pain and abdominal distention, diarrhea or constipation. You can alleviate this a bit by eating smaller amounts more constantly throughout the day. Despite all the physical discomfort of these early days, many experience a tremendous sense of relief and initial joy at eating in an unrestricted way. Carbs, sugars and fat feature prominently in the early phases and protein makes a surge later on. Hopefully, your craving for dietary fat has been strong (an important factor in healing the central, peripheral and enteric nervous systems). However, the restrictive eating disorder will not allow that relief to stand for very long. Soon you will find yourself starting to feel edgy and anxious.
  1. Extreme hunger is a normal progression in recovery. It does not last. You do not ‘habituate’ to 6000-10,000 calories a day, but you need that energy during refeeding.
  2. No one keeps gaining and gaining.
  3. Your body has an optimal weight set point that it can and will defend.
  4. Pain is normal. Rest. No weighing or exercise.
The body preferentially lays down fat around the mid-section to insulate vital organs from hypothermia.
For many this tends to be a phase of extreme impatience—following all the guidelines day and day out and yet still wearing floaty and stretchy clothes and feeling like an alien in your own body seems unfair. You may still be restoring weight and that will bother your eating disorder-generated anxiety. Your body may additionally need to temporarily overshoot its optimal weight set point in this process in order to return to a correct fat mass to fat-free mass ratio.

Phase III—bones, muscles, almost there
Assuming you have been purposefully eating to your minimum guidelines and responding to extreme hunger without compensatory restriction up to this phase, then you start to get rewarded for all your hard work. Osteopenia and osteoporosis begin to reverse (the completion of that may take up to 7 years, but it begins to reverse in this phase). The fat deposited around the mid-section is now beginning to be redistributed throughout the body. Fat mass increase disproportionately to fat-free mass in the beginning of recovery, and the fat-free mass play 'catch-up' with the fat mass. so, both fat-free mass and fat mass are proportionally present after a solid recovery effort, that is, eating plenty and resting plenty.
Hair, nails and skin begin to have increased pliability and suppleness. You also start to feel more connected and self-imposed isolation diminishes. You feel less emotional blunting and start to want things for your life. This occurs for many at around the 4-6 month mark, but for others it takes shape between months 8-12.

Many lower intake because they confuse weight restoration with energy balance. I call it "recover, but not too much" and it's driven by sociocultural silliness rather than scientific evidence supported by the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and Andrea Garber's analyses of IP settings.
So keep eating minimum after weight restoration. The extra energy will be used for activity when it is no longer used for healing.

I use the term “in active recovery” across the site, but what you achieve at the end of a successful recovery process is, hopefully, a full remission. The end state is not a full recovery. No one ever recovers from a restrictive eating disorder. The nature of chronic neurobiological conditions is that they cannot be cured. I have often reiterated the following as well: restrictive eating disorders are either active or in remission. Remission can be permanent, or there can be flares of the condition in times of stress (a relapse).

Signs of remission:
1) You look forward to gatherings and celebrations that center on food. Like all those without an eating disorder, you indulge happily and do not compensate either before or after the event.
2) You have no forbidden foods, unless of course they could actually kill you (think peanut allergy).
3) You are a force for moral absolution. Your relationship with food is a morality-free zone and it has far reaching influence on those around you, not to mention yourself.
4) You experience your body, and every body, as a miracle every day. You marvel at the healing of a bruise. You stop to watch your fingers flying over a keyboard and are amazed. You see form and function and the innate power of the body.
5) You understand on a cellular level that “savoring” is a state of transcendence and transubstantiation. Transforming food into life-giving energy is freaking phenomenal!
6) You feel connected. While many with eating disorders can feel strangely energized and alive in a state of extreme energy depletion, they rarely feel connected in that state. In fact, they feel a high in the disconnection. Connection is actually an ambivalent state and you are able to hold the ambivalence with appreciation. It is not always joyous, supportive or healing to be connected to others. But you are ok with that.
7) You are fluid. (I think she means like fluid, Changable, flexible)

**Here is how you know you are ready to attempt eating to your hunger cues:
Your weight appears stable. (weighing yourself is not necessary to determine that).
If you have dealt with amenorrhea during your restriction, then you have achieved 3 consecutive periods in a row.
You are continuing to eat minimum amounts and it is comfortable to do so.
Other lingering signs of repair seem complete (no longer cold, tired, achy, dealing with water retention, no brittle hair or nails etc.)
You think you may need to start eating to hunger cues and are a bit anxious that you can trust those cues.
Note Item 5—if you are feeling extremely confident about eating to hunger cues then chances are you are a ways away from remission still. Generally, it will take about 6 months beyond the point at which you have stopped gaining weight before you can truly depend upon your hunger cues without benefit of confirming you are eating enough by either counting calories or using a meal plan.
You move from meal plans or counting calories to eating to hunger cues by attempting a 3-day experiment. Eat to your hunger cues but jot down everything you eat. At the end of those three days you should discover that your hunger has taken you to approximately the recovery guidelines you have been following thus far. If so, then you can likely trust your hunger cues and move into your remission with some confidence.**

If you have a couple of the following you haven't recovered:
- Reflections in mirrors/surfaces are 'dysmorphic' eg look disconnected etc.
- Don't feel muscles properly = nerves not repaired yet.
- fidgeting/restlessness/agitation = bodies way of getting you to move to find food.
-no expendable energy

If you are six months or more into the recovery process and you’ve found yourself unhappy with having to eat to the minimum intake, then eat to hunger cues for three to five days. Log all the food you eat in those days and at the end of the test phase, add up all the calories and average the intake out to arrive at your daily average.
If the daily average appears within 200 or so calories of the minimum intake guideline for your age/sex and height, then try another five-day test period in the same way. If you see no progressive restriction in your intake, then Huzzah! You are likely in remission.

When body fat is completely recovered and fat free mass recovery is still well below normal, excessive hunger is still evident, but disappears as fat free mass recovery approach to 100%.

Eat a lot in recovery

1) Restriction of food can activate a restrictive eating disorder in those with the genetic predisposition to develop the condition.
2) Over eating cannot activate binge eating disorder because there is not an eating disorder genotype involved at all. Binge eating disorder is not an eating disorder at all, but rather a series of symptoms around food that are actually part of other very serious psychopathologies (mental illnesses such as bipolar, schizophrenia, and personality disorders -- also known as the Axis II disorders). The behaviors show up in childhood along with a host of other behaviors and they have absolutely no relationship to restrictive eating disorders at all.
3) Non-ED people overeat all the time. Constantly. It does not affect their weight or health. The body is optimized to manage an influx of too much energy very readily. The body is far less well designed to handle too little energy intake.
4) As a society we have believed for about 150 years that we must consciously suppress our hunger to optimize our health. The unscientific belief coincided with standardized clothing sizes and industrial production of clothes. It is so ingrained in our cultural norms that similar to the point in history where it became obvious to scientific observers that the earth revolved around the sun, going against the dominant beliefs is a heretical endeavour.
5) True overcompensation of actual energy requirements is incredibly difficult to achieve. To tell someone in recovery that they must be wary of overcompensation is a useless warning that will cause far more harm than good. When a patient has a massive energy deficit they have to compensate for that deficit with massive over eating. They have an energy deficit.
There are people who overcompensate when they are energy balanced for professional reasons: wrestlers do it all the time to "make weight". And it's really hard to overeat constantly and dependably for the purpose of pushing your body above its inherited optimal weight set point. Their regimen involves not just eating more than they want; it involves enforced sleep immediately after a meal to avoid NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) from whisking away the unwanted energy. And unlike those in recovery with a real energy deficit, these individuals never think about food.
So while non-ED people believe they should restrict food intake and avoid overeating at all costs, they don't actually follow through on that belief (thankfully) because the body runs our energy balance system and like all biological systems it is optimized to run over 100% and not under it. Basically non-ED people talk a lot and do not follow through.
The issue for ED people is that they do walk the walk. They take to heart all the cultural claptrap on restriction and the evils of over indulgence. G.


Bingeing in the true clinical sense only occurs for the tiny group suffering what appear to be rare circadian rhythm and endocrine disorders that result in binge eating disorder or night eating syndrome.
Critically, those with BED are not able to apply any restrictive responses to their overeating. The condition appears in pre-pubescent childhood and usually involves being classified as ‘obese’ by age 11.
I’m going to repeat that:
Binge eating as a clinical disorder involves an inability to apply any restriction.
That means, if you are on the restriction eating disorder spectrum, you are unable to develop BED. Your bingeing experience is an expression of required energy needs in reaction to restrictive eating behaviors. It is why I call this behavior reactive eating and not bingeing.

Will I Become A Binge-Eater?

Does someone who recovers from the restrictive eating disorder, no matter the restrictive facets they experience, develop a binge eating disorder?
The answer is “no”. However, it is important to note that the process of recovery from an energy deficient state most certainly involves a period of extreme hunger and eating. It is a transient condition that disappears once energy balance is restored.
Here are the likely reasons why those who reach a complete remission from a restrictive eating disorder do not develop binge eating disorder:
  1. The candidate genes associated with inflammatory obesity, cholesterol, insulin and glucose levels are unrelated to the genes identified thus far for restrictive eating disorders [R Stöger, 2012; AW Drong et al., 2012; CJ Nolan et al., 2011; A. Hinney et al., 1999 and 2000].
  2. Patients fully recovered from the restrictive eating disorder rarely reach final restored weights above BMI 25. 2% of the recovered population does go above BMI 25, however ALL return to weights at or below BMI 25 after one full year beyond recovery (with no relapse of restriction involved) [CM Bulik et al., 2006].
  3. Leptin resistance is not a factor in either the activation or resolution of a restrictive eating disorder. Yet, leptin resistance is often present in patients with inflammatory obesity. [P. Dandona et al., 2004; JF Caro et al., 1996; S Herpertz et al., 1998 and 2000]
Restriction is the enemy. Be vigilant against restriction and put your trust in your body’s ability to find it’s optimal weight set point if you just give it the energy it is demanding (no matter your current weight).
No one keeps gaining and gaining. We each have an optimal weight set point [RE Keesey et al., 1997; RE Keesey, 1988]. On average 70% of adult females reside between BMI 21-27 [Statistics Canada, 1978] but our heights and weights exist on a bell curve and you are only going to be healthy at your particular optimal weight set point.

Non-ED men and women ‘overeat’ regularly and it is not bingeing in any clinical sense nor does it impact optimal weight stability.
Between the ages of 10-16 it is common for the body to store extra energy in anticipation of physical growth requirements. It is difficult for anyone in our obese-fearing and weight-obsessed culture to not react to these phases of extra weight with immediate restriction. Sadly, for those with the restrictive eating disorder genotype, it is usually this very circumstance that catapults them into years of cycling through restrictions and quasi-recoveries.
Between the ages of 16-25, the body will occasionally store extra energy, but usually it is using the extra energy coming in (through natural overeating sessions) as it happens. However, if a restrictive eating disorder patient hijacked his or her normal development as a child with self-administered starvation and/or excessive exercise, then the recovery process may mimic the energy storage/growth spurt that was supposed to happen but was stalled by the onset of the eating disorder. Give it time and it works itself out.

The answer to getting out of this quasi-recovered state and reaching full recovery is to eat to the recovery guideline amounts (and more) every single day. Responding to any extreme hunger is as critical now as it is all throughout the recovery process.
Despite restrictive eating disorder-based fears that there is no way to eat this much and not become obese when you are already ‘weight restored’, no clinical evidence supports those fears.
Your metabolism will ensure that your body adjusts to its optimal weight set point and the excess energy is necessarily needed to complete the lingering repair and to finally push the metabolism back to its optimal functioning rate. And no, your metabolism is not broken and your brain responds accurately to leptin levels.

As for whether the temporary overshoot is necessary, there is some evidence that it may indeed have value in ensuring the return of an optimal fat-mass to fat-free-mass ratio. In fact, Abdul Dulloo and colleagues re-examined the Minnesota trial data and discovered that the depletion of fat-free mass and fat mass (occurring during starvation) separately trigger hyperphagia (excessive eating) in post-starvation subjects and that the hyperphagia will persist until both fat and fat-free mass are restored [A Dulloo et al., 1997].
We also know from numerous other studies that anorexics often maintain a higher proportion of fat mass post-re-feeding [CI Orphanidou et al., 1997; M Probst et al., 2001; C Mantzoros et al., 1997] and this is likely due to the prevailing attitudes that hyperphagia must be avoided during recovery at all costs as it is considered a marker of “bingeing”. Instead, what these post-recovery data may show is that the prohibition of hyperphagia in recovery from restrictive eating disorders serves to halt the body’s ability to return to an optimal fat mass to fat-free mass ratio.

also take a look at http://www.youreatopia.com/blog/2011/11/3/binge-eating-disorder-and-night-eating-syndrome.html

Bone mineral density

Bone mineral density loss is readily reversed if the patient is premenopausal at the time of remission and has about seven years or so ahead of her before entering menopause. For men who reach and maintain remission prior to the age of 50, they can expect to reverse bone mineral density loss fully as well. Should a woman be menopausal or postmenopausal at the time she reaches remission from an eating disorder, she will halt the progression of the bone mineral density loss (a “won’t get worse” rating). Should a man enter remission after age 50, he too can expect a “won’t get worse” rating for his bone mineral density level. Source:http://www.youreatopia.com/blog/2013/9/11/reversal-of-damage-from-restrictive-eating-disorders.html#comment20540372


"...folks in remission should not be exercising. Exercise for a workout's sake is not something that those in full remission even want to return to and it is not necessary to do so to be healthy and long-lived either.
However, regular activities are likely safe to resume when the patient is weight stable and symptoms associated with energy deficiency have gone (amenorrhea, tiredness, pain, soreness, flaking skin, acne, brittle nails and hair, etc.). Given that many have the menstrual cycle return long before their bodies have finished repairs and weight restoration, 3 consecutive periods is not a good enough marker. Also, if there are any signs of fatigue, aches, pains, or swelling after an attempt to resume an activity, then the activities need to be put on hold for longer.
And because I learn more as I see outcomes from patients, reintroduction of exercise (a workout) precipitates relapse more commonly than not."

You are far less likely to overshoot by very much if you embrace the minimum guidelines (i.e. don't pussy foot around too long at 2000-2200 calories a day) and then equally embrace massive hunger will ensuring you do not allow the eating disorder to respond with restriction the next day.

A yo-yo dieter can go through a cycle of restriction and then normal eating enough times that she doesn't just have a suppressed metabolic rate, she has broken the complex and sensitive ways in which her body can naturally maintain its optimal weight set point. These individual often present with leptin and insulin resistance (key markers that allow the body to stay at its optimal set point). Conversely, those on the REDS do not develop leptin and insulin resistance and their metabolic rate returns to normal as soon as they recover from restrictive behaviours.
Even then, it appears these individuals can get to a point where the homeostatic ability of their body returns as long as they never restrict calories (never go on a diet again). However, it can take several years.

Lack of sleep, certain drugs and extreme unrelenting stress can mess with the body's ability to maintain its optimal weight set point.

Those with bulimia tend to persist with water retention in recovery much longer than those who do not purge. 

You should eat breakfast then snack right up until lunch and keep snacking until dinner. You do not have to wait 4 hours for anything. If you are hungry, then you eat whatever appeals.

Extreme hunger does not always equate to the body's need to restore weight.
The more you keep suppressing the body's need to get the energy in, the more likely the body will be to store energy in the fat tissue because there is just never enough coming in to rectify the metabolic suppression or deal with lingering repair issues.

A regular menstrual cycle ensures proper bone mineral density. That is why anorexics who lose their regular ovular menstrual cycles start to lose bone density fast and are at risk for severe osteoporosis in later life.

Intracellular edema is not identifiable in the way that intercellular edema is.
Basically, the sloshy, pitting, swollen edema is intercellular in nature.
Intracellular edema is indistinguishable from your own tissue (it resides inside the cells obviously).

Starving is extremely stressful. Cortisol (steroid) is surging through your body and this fires up your immune system beyond its usual level (for a while). Eventually the long-term impacts of higher-than-normal levels of cortisol will move patients in one direction or another: autoimmune illness (body attacking its own cells as though they were foreign), or immunosuppression (getting very sick all the time). When you stop restricting, the entire stress system is told to stand down. So now you’re feeling the pain and you may have a wicked cold along with it as well.

If you began from a weight restored point in your recovery, then it takes about 5-6 months of eating minimum before you consider going to hunger cues. If you were below your optimal weight set point when you began recovery then you need to tick along for about 9 months eating minimum+.

Physiological effects of chronic energy deficiency in the body are as follows: anemia, hypoproliferative bone marrow (failure), leukopenia (low white blood cell counts), decreased thiodothyronine, thyroxine and luteinizing hormone levels (polyendocrine deficiency syndrome), abnormal gastrointestinal motility, atrophy and possible ulceration, constipation/diarrhea, severe liver dysfunction, myofibrillar destruction (damage to heart muscle) and amenorrhea. Also usually present are: low basal metabolic rate, cold intolerance, abnormal calcium metabolism, osteoporosis, serum protein abnormalities (leading to chronic or acute kidney disease), electroencephalographic abnormalities (impaired brain function) and altered skin texture and pigmentation.
Physiological effects of chronic bouts of starvation/reactive eating cycles are as follows: all of the previous list for the most part, although anemia is less likely to be present, and also hypertension, elevated low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol levels), artherosclerosis (progressive deposition of fatty deposits on arterial walls, leading to heart disease) and excessive subcutaneous abdominal fat due to long term elevated serum glucocorticoid levels.

None of us wants to be uncomfortable in our own skin, but that is entirely a mindset that is in our control to change. The most attractive human beings in the world are almost always not celebrities or actors, they are those people in a room that everyone is drawn to.
And those people are attractive because they are so interested in others. It's not self-confidence that defines beauty and attractiveness, it's the ability to be more interested in others than self.
In fact, often everyone is really perplexed at why someone who is clearly not the most handsome guy or beautiful girl in the room, by cultural standards, gets all the attention and appreciation from both sexes.

The reason someone with an ED can maintain progressive restriction is that the mood modulation combined with the misidentification of food as a threat (not felt in the conscious mind, but essentially what is happening in the limbic system) jams many of the distressing signals the body sends out to indicate the energy deficit is damaging the system as a whole.

23. juni 2016

Always fearing the worst. Always prepare long time ahead.

I am prepared for becoming big, almost overweight. I have been on ebay.uk for hours and shopping clothes so huge I am now afraid I will never be able to use them. I must cool down. And look at what Gwyneth says: In clinical studies of anorexics who manage to fully recover from restrictive eating behaviors of all kinds, 2% actually reach weights above BMI 25. (I really want to yell the next sentence for emphasis since I'm already bolding and italicizing here). Of that tiny 2% NONE of them remained above BMI 25 one full year beyond recovery. No relapse and no restriction involved. 


22. juni 2016

The food is changing me

This was my main new thought and step forward yesterday: I see the fun in being chubby and fat now. Fat is so much more charming than the ideal skinny body. Skinny bodies are often less alive because they are malnutrioned. I thought about it a lot yesterday. How cool it is with big ladies with colourful badingsuits and curly hair. To be big and bold, outspoken and noticed for being someone to reckon with. I could be a person like that.

Today I experienced being in such a good mood. Even better than yesterday when I sang a lot even though the four neighbours probably could hear it. Today I felt the need for cuddling my cat. That is the first time I have felt that with a cat since I was a child. I pet my cat because it needs it. I do it as a service. The same with my son. I know he needs it. Because I don't need it I tend to forget, so I have told him he must go and get it when he needs it. Now I'm changing. I am starting to be more responsive for cuddling.

There is no doubt I have EH. I soon eat the triple of my minimum. If I didn't read about others eating up to 10000 calories a day I would be in a bad mood now, worried and scared. My calorie intake has been gradually increasing from day one. I have been managing to eat a little more to every meal day to day and then oe day I ate an extra meal. That made the trick. Wonder if this EH will go back gradually too. I guess I have to wait and see. I don't have much stomach pain. I thought I would have with so much food coming in. Actually the food is very calorie dense it is not many grams all together.

I can only guess my weight gain now after 4 weeks: 12 kilos. BUT some is water, so....???

21. juni 2016

Sexuality and control (will).

I have had a rise in kundalini in two periods of time. As a new Bahai (23 years), and later lasting almost 2 years. As a new Bahai and very fond of nature I learned about sexuality as something very close to earth, like I also found God in nature. I then learned to accept this force as something stronger than me I should not try to control how to move (or suppress). I felt my pride go (shame related to sexuality was rinsed out) when i tried to understand its will. It was hard to understand then because my intuition was not developed much yet.

The next time it happened several years later I understood the purity of sexual energy, worked through my fear of mens sexuality and found my own. I also found my authenticity. It made it impossible to go against my conviction. I understood a lot (with the assistance from God) obviously. I couldn't grasp thoughts normally in this state so God sendt visions to my questions.

Even though I was filled to the edge with sexual energy every day I never touched myself once. I focused on it every day, felt the energy as a meditation object to make it even stronger to challange myself. I also had a hope it would give me the energy I didn't allow myself from food, ha ha. That didn't happen. You can't exercise on sexual energy. Once every 6 weeks when I wasn't able to control myself anymore because the energy was so tense and overwhelming I let my control go to the energy. The sexual energy had a will on its own and I subjected to it as a way of working on my control issues. I understood the will in it was the same as Gods will. My intuition was much better at this point. The energy wanted to heal my body. So when I moved my body the way it wanted me to (a little similar to yoga asanas in a slow pace) I perceived it as making love with God, and when I moved my body in these positions the energy could fill up every fibre of my body. When I was filled I felt the energy go over to a higher plane and the tension was finally gone.

A new 6 weeks with meditation and no touching followed, increasing the tention once again till the unbearable. This practise of mine is something I made up myself. It doesn't belong to any religion, but is inspired by Buddhism and Bahai, making me find tantra myself.

19. juni 2016

Extreme hunger, extreme eating time?

Think I am at the edge of or actually having EH. I ate 5411 calories today. I told my mum and her eyes became big and her mouth became open and round.  When I want more food even though I have eaten a lot I have to remind myself :no, there is no thing as too much any longer, just eat. It sure is a relief and quiet fun. I feel like I am doing something bold and on the edge. I actually find body fat cool now. Fat bodies are sweet and cool. I am so bored of the very similar skeleton frames models have. There is nothing cooler than a big, fat ass. My ass is no longer flat and none existent. I'm improving. In anorexia there is no humour, everything is sooo serious. To be skinny is very important and a serious matter, ha ha. Fat or not is of no importance at all! At all! There are bits of dark chocolate everywhere, melting here ad there.


Gender dysmorphia, I don't think I have ever seen the two words put together before. When I have been with very feminine girls I have felt like the masculine one. I remember once I had smoked weed and was hanging out with one of these girls. I went to the ladies room and looked in the mirror. I saw what I felt. Me as a boy.

I also remembered something else that made me seek something out of this world. The feeling of alienation from friends. Especially one episode when a guy I slightly knew stumbled upon me in town and asked why I looked so happy and I didn't have an answer. I thought: do people think I need a reason from the outside world to be happy? Do I really need to justify my happiness? It made me uncomfortable and realize I needed to explore the inner world.

I seeked and found, a book. After reading this book about a girl with anorexia who had spiritual experiences in nature, feeling strong and free on her own, I thought this was the way to go. I have read a lot about religious (catholic mostly) mystics and have had the ideal of not needing food or anything else, not having a thought about food, occupied of taking care of other peoples needs. Always have a lot of energy for it, eager to plese. Day and night with no needs on my own, so I could be always forgetful about myself. Having one desire only;  to serve others. I pictured myself running around to peoples houses in a time far from now when a lot of people were poor, starving and being ill. The sad thing was, the opposite became true. I felt my needs (starving for food and love) all the time, occupying my mind. I had a stronger desire to please my needs than others. I had little energy for taking care of others at all. I was such a failure!

I also found it difficult to transform sexual energy into creative energy and that made me feel bad as well. I was so far from being a saint. I didn't want to be just wordly, feeling my bodies needs stronger than the need to serve. I was ashamed and utterly disappointed. To follow my ideal I couldn't deny anything. The worlds were not seperate. The fact that I have to give to my self what I need, both physically and spiritually before I can give to others has been very difficult for me. In religion we are taught to put others before ourselves. As time has gone by I have been forced by Gods laws to do things in the right order and understood I also have to take care of myself. That I must be aware of my needs on every plane and ask God to fullfill them, and then I can pass it on to others. It has been hard to accept that I had needs. That I also was a worldy being. But now I know I am not a worldy, but spiritual being having a wordly experience. Having a temporary body and personality just to be able to serve in this world.

It is as if I remember being in heaven and being given the task to help my future mum to free her self from her materialistic view and to spread light everywhere I would go. I was warned about how easy it was to be consumed by darkness and forget about the spiritual world, but I just laughed and said. I would never forget and would not be consumed. If so I would defenitely free myself from it fast enough.

I have understood that nothing and noone deserves to be judged as something bad because everything and everybody are meant to be used as it is suitable. Like cow shit. It is not good as dinner for us, but is perfect nutrition for plants. Sexual energy is pure in itself. It is what you use it for that can be judged as good or bad, or better: judged as suitable or unsuitable. Making love is great, using a body isn't. I also have a problem not judging peak orgasms, throwing energy out as if it was garbage instead of using it.

People aren't bad because of the unsuitable things that has been done to them, anyway many victims feel ashamed and take the blame. They can't change what happened, but they will make sure it won't happen again.  And now we are at the core of anorexia. Starving themselves to not wake up the power some has inside but do not want to tame. We take the responsibility so that abuse isn't happening. We take on double control because some don't take any. Talking silently and not laugh out loud so the self centered people won't hush us down, and so on. I think we are martyrs. We carry the burdon of people's unawareness and misdeeds. We are the angels of sorrow. But when we free our selves from what doesn't belong to us and what is not  right to identify with we become what we were meant to be aware of we were all along.

The guy I stumbled upon in town threw a grey stone at me and made me go looking for gems.
Happiness is our natural state of being. We don't need an excuse to be happy. The reason for happiness is not found outside in the world. It can only be limited by it.

17. juni 2016


I used to hate medium to big breasts and was glad I had very small when I restricted, but now I have what I guess is waterbreasts, and I actually like them. I try to focus on the positive body changes, not just the weird changes that is going on, like water on my thighs and hips and a pregnant looking belly. I bet my mum comments that one tomorrow, and stare at my butt as usual to check my weight. Hate that. It doesn't just last a couple of seconds either, unfortunately. She is near sighted so she needs some extra time:)

Mentally I'm going new places I really like! I am getting proud for eating what I want and how much I want. In society we learn to feel ashamed by eating. You know "guilt free" products, eat like a bird, be modest etc. To control our bodies are a common thing. To not trust our bodies likewise. Everythig natural are dangerous, powerful and therefore are controlled and surpressed. Like the female, the unconciousness. Emotions. The raw truth. Women have so much more inner power than men. If we only would stop destructing ourselves to please men that wants us to do it ourselves so they don't have to run away in fear of our power or suppress us themselves.

Why do women feel guilty after eating? How is that a sin? We didn't take food from our child while we watched it suffer or anything. Eating is not a moral action.

Why do we eat healthy food instead of food we crave? Why do we exercise instead of moving the way we like? We don't trust our bodies, we don't trust what is natural, we think we must tame the animal, but it goes so far it is no longer respected. Are people afraid of losing their mind and be just an animal? If so why do so many people get drunk and actually become just like that?
Movies like The wolf and the Hulk shows us what we fear.

15. juni 2016

2,5 weeks

So it's gone three and a half weeks and my constipation and laxative addiction is gone. My shoulder that always bothered me is sometimes forgot about. It is much better. No pain aymore. I think it got tense because of exhaustion and starvation. It still needs a lot of healing because I can feel the muscles are still tight, but I am happy it doesn't take a lot of my attention all the time. My feet has hurt most days in recovery,and my legs, but not as much as my feet. They are not swollen, though.  I have gained perhaps 10 kilos. It's hard to tell. I know it is a lot of water because when I put on lotion it hurts touching the flesh, or whatever. I enjoy food and I feel more safe. Perhaps it is the added myelin on my nerves I can feel. I wake up after a few hours sleep to eat, but I sleep at daytime too, so no problem. Oh, I feel sleepy again so I will get back later.

14. juni 2016


I have been wondering lately: if one feel disgusted by something and then look in the mirror at our naked body one can think the body is disgusting even though that wasn't the source to begin with. I did that the first time my body image went crazy. I was disgusted by a man (pig) who had just showed me that he had masturbated just to show me right before I went to the bathroom and saw my body in the mirror. I then thought I looked like a pig and was disgusting. The next day I even turned vegetarian and still don't eat pork (pig). My restrictive eating has been a sexual issue too. I have restricted the sexual feelings because there are pigs that can not control their desire, and at the exact same time as this happened I had a hard time controlling it myself. Starving starves the sexual energy and every desire as well. So if you feel a negative feeling don't look in the mirror.

Mr. Ano can not win

Mr. Ano can not win. It lost when the energy ran out.
Who would ask a life sucking devil for advice in life?

13. juni 2016

Answer to what is hunger?

Hunger comes when the body needs more energy. Like in recovery, people can eat and eat till they are more than full, but still want food. The stomach has not room enough to provide the body with the energy it needs. The stomach size is meant for normal eating. Not restricting and eating a lot. Just thinking about food is a signal of hunger. In recovery it's wise to eat calorie dense. The nerves needs to get their protection back, the protection of fat around the nerves the body ate up when we starved it, so eating a lot of fat is great, especially in the beginning (when many eat a lot of chocolate and nut butters.) I eat a lot of butter, eggs, cheese and chocolate because I crave it. It's nice to know nerves are healed while I am enjoying myself. Later in recovery when it's time to build muscles you will go from craving ultra processed food to crave processed food, meaning normal dinners. Later you will fancy raw food again, like apples and salads. Now I wouldn't touch that because there is no appetite for it. Trust the body! It knows what it needs so it knows what it wants. The appetite is the body telling you what it wants.

Food is nothing to fear. Food is a healing source for the body. The body we damaged by avoiding food. Don't listen to the fucked up psycho ED. Take you power back from this invisible whispering devil and be as good as you want to be to yourself and everybody. Take your freedom back! Don't let ED have you in the body prison any longer. You went in voluntarily! You can walk out voluntarily! It's a matter of choice between fear or care. Be brave!

11. juni 2016

No more ED identity

I don't freak out when I see I've gained fat even though that was my biggest fear most of my life. How did that change?

Before I starved myself I was very disappointed that people couldn't see me, but only my body. I wanted them to know I am not my body, look deeper, please! But I didn't say that. I communicated that by starving my body. When the body that supposedly was me became smaller how could that be me? The body can not starve it self willingly, can it? There must be some will apart from the body that is in control. And that is me, you guys, not the body. My parents was extremely materialistic. They only cared about what could be seen and their own appearance. Human qualities like love, tolerance, authenticity, kindness, generosity, fairness, wisdom and care was never mentioned.

I've thought back on how it felt being me before I starved myself. I remember I focused on how I felt and what I thought about things that happened. If I felt good everything was good. When I had anorexia I forced myself to think as long as I am skinny everything is good, even when my life had fallen apart. Appearance dictated my wellbeing. I became like the ones I thought was crazy when they didn't see me beyond my body! When I understood that, I did't want to continue obsessing about looks, but identify myself with my inner qualities that I in my teens so desperately needed people to help me develop and focus on.

ED is the worst identity one can have. It is cruel, judgemental, critical, mean, destructive, in a bad mood with no humour and has a tunnell vision. It isn't a loss I will miss at all. It only made me miserable.

If you are a member of youreatopia there are thoughts on the topic here: http://youreatopia.squarespace.com/ask/post/2137298

I see it as a coping mecanism, like some go to alcohol for relief, I starve myself. And it is normal to identify with what we do. Like what job we have. But a person is not just their work. They might even hate their job. If we want to get to know a person instead of asking them what they do for a living we could ask them what they love, what their passion is, what they are occupied with in their mind, what they value, because only some are able to combine work and passion. To find a person, remember their home is where their heart is. In active anorexia our heart is a fearful one and it may be so bad we feel homeless, so to get healthy we need to find our passion. Many help others out of the ED misery. That can be a start of a more meaningful life and a feeling of worth. All the personal experience and knowledge are valuable. Getting out of the spiders web also give valuable insight to who we are. 

What is anorexia and bulimia besides the symptoms of starvation?

The Minnesota starvation study showed that the men became nervous, anxious, apathetic, withdrawn, impatient, self-critical with distorted body images and even feeling overweight, moody, emotional and depressed. A few even mutilated themselves, one chopping off three fingers in stress. They lost their ambition and feelings of adequacy, and their cultural and academic interests narrowed. They neglected their appearance, became loners and their social and family relationships suffered. They lost their senses of humor, love and compassion. Instead, they became obsessed with food, thinking, talking and reading about it constantly; developed weird eating rituals; began hoarding things; consumed vast amounts of coffee and tea; and chewed gum incessantly (as many as 40 packages a day). Binge eating episodes also became a problem as some of the men were unable to continue to restrict their eating in their hunger.
The act of restricting food and the constant hunger “made food the most important thing in one’s life,” said one of the participants. “Food became the one central and only thing really in one’s life.

So what is restricting eating disorders then, besides the symptoms of starvation like the healthy men showed? Fear of gaining?

No logic in hurtful comments about weight and food intake.

Those who wants to be mean are mean. They can tell a skinny person who think she or he is fat she or he is fat. It just happened to my thin son. The boy saying it intuitively understood his fears, probably, and said it to push him away from his friend he wanted to be with alone. Jelousy!

People throwing out comments like : "fat!" or "big ass" are just mean. You can ask them back: how does it feel to be that socially and emotionally intelligent?

Parents and close friends may give you comments that are suppose to be helpful, but aren't because they are ignorant. Usual comments are: if you eat that type of food or that amount you will get fat, or: you have gained enough now. None of those comments are true. Type of food and amounts do not decide if you will get fat or not. The body has hormones that regulates that. You eat food the body needs. That is food and sweets that are easy to digest in the beginning of recovery. And the amounts your body needs to recover are huge untill the healing is done and the weight has returned to set point. After that you can trust your hunger cues and eat what the body needs. It's very irritating when people think you have to continue controlling the body ( the intake of food) when you have just realized that you don't have to or shouldn't.

Dark chocolate and fibres (constipation)

I have eaten dark chocolate with sugar so I can eat as much as I want of it without getting stomach pain from sugar alcoholes or fibres that replaces sugar in low carb chocolates, but hey how stimulated I became of eating it. Found out 100 grams of dark chocolate has as much coffein as a cup of coffee! I never drink coffee because I can't stand the stimuli. I'm not comfortable with eating a lot of sugar so I will not eat milk chocolate instead, so I will just try to manage the coffein. The first time I ate the whole 100 gram divided on three meals I felt so satisfied the next day because I had really craved eating much chocolate for so long and I really need the iron it it. That day I got 1,5 of my daily need covered.

I have also found out how my constipation got worse. I think it is caused by quest bars and chocorite bars that has added fibres. You know when the digestion is slow the water the fibres hold will disappear before the fibres have reached the end, so instead the fibres make the stool even dryer and harder to get out. I used to eat a salad at each meal, a lot of fibres, but had constipation anyway. So fibres is not the solution to constipation when the stool use a lot of time getting through the large intestines.

I have ordered fennel i capsules from iherb to deal with constipation and gas. I will not use fibres or stupid pills. I got addicted to senna, so I had to find something else, but right now my bowel is good. Is it the dark chocolate? I look it up and find that coffein can cause bowel movement. So the coffein is a good thing for my body apparently. The dark chocolate cures my constipation and iron deficiency+ satisfies my cravings! Yay!  I love it! The chocolate on the pictures only has 19 g of carbohydrates. There is one with even less, like 15 g, but I haven't found it in the stores. It is red, named hachez and has 88% cacao. Those with 70% cacao has between 30 and 40 g carbohydrates.

9. juni 2016

Mixed feelings today. Overcame a fear food.

I overcame my worst fear-food today: SUGAR! I did it with something that wouldn't raise the blood sugar much; dark chocolate with 86% cacao. I ate the whole thing during the day, ha ha and am happy to see my iron need for today was covered 150%.

As I am eating above 3000 I hear my son say he is getting punished by his dad with food restriction. Today he was punished with no breakfast or lunch because he had asked twice if his father could turn down the music in the car the day before. He is never getting food after dinner and never after school before dinner. If he don't like all parts of dinner he must leave the table hungry. He has lost weight. It's crazy! And I'm not allowed to protect him from his father.

7. juni 2016

Slow digestion, freedom and the fear of food.

Your digestion is slow because you don't eat enough or the body needs so much it will have the food in the intestines longer to make sure it can suck out every gram of food available. Hunger comes when the body needs more energy, not because the stomach is empty. Like in recovery, people eat and eat till they are more than full, but still want food. The stomach has not room enough to provide the body with the energy it needs. The stomach size is meant for normal eating. Not restricting and eating a lot. Just thinking about food is a signal of hunger. In recovery it's wise to eat calories dense so you can give the body as much energy as possible. The nerves needs to get their protection back, the protection of fat around the nerves the body ate up when we starved it, so eating a lot of fat is great, especially in the beginning of recovery (when many eat a lot of chocolate.) I eat a lot of butter, eggs, cheese and chocolate. It's nice to know nerves are healed while I am having a nice time:)

Food is nothing to fear. Food is a healing source for the body. The body we damaged by avoiding food. Don't listen to the fucked up psycho ED. Take you power back from this invisible whispering devil and be as good as you want to be to yourself and everybody. Take your freedom back! Don't let ED have you in the body prison any longer. You went in voluntarily! You can walk out voluntarily! It's a matter of choice between fear or care. Be brave!

When I invited ED into my life it was because I thought it would help me to be free. I thought having a thin body would make me confident enough to be free. But it's impossible to be free as long as you are not free to eat as well. Freedom is an overall feeling including everything. So what happened was I became less free because I had added an area where I couldn't be free. Instead of changing tactics I thought it would help to lose even more weight. But that resulted in even more loss of freedom and more fear. Fear and freedom don't go well together. Why didn't I change tactics? Because I wasn't free enough to see the big picture. I had a tunnell vision created by fear.

2 weeks and 2 days in.

Hi! So i have been eating recovery amounts about 2 weeks now and I have probably gained the normal amount. I started Monday the 23 of May. Overall amounts that week was 2064 cal. Week 22 was: 2810 cal. overall. The overall of these two weeks is about minimum. I always eat above minimum, or I will never finish. I eat 3000-3500 a day.

Today i had to pick up a package with food (nut flours, chocolate and erytrithol), soy milk at the health store and get more sausages and stuff. Right after I baked a pizza bun I use as bread and chocolate cookies. TheN the head ache hit me again. Typical. I think it is funny that I can dO so little before the headache force me to bed, when I compare myself with normal people. After this little walk my feet and legs hurt as if I had walked all day.

I am doing great. No anxiety. Daily I have to remind myself I can eat above minimum. I am used to have a limit to keep myself under, not over. I am bloated. That came when I hit minimum. Constipated. I have been addicted to senna. Don't know what to do.

I have sendt so many messages on ebay that I am not allowed to send any more before tomorrow. I am looking for dresses and long shirts to wear as I grow bigger. I have already bought tights. When I am weight restored I will buy clothes for real.

6. juni 2016

A letter about a dream

Hi. I just read a quote you wrote years ago and found it so interesting that what you wrote was what I dreamt so vividly about last night. This is what you wrote: Think of yourself as an earthquake zone under reconstruction. The site has to be secured (so no activity is done on it for a while), it is cordoned off (no trespassing allowed), and there are trucks and trailers and loads of sand and concrete going in and out at all hours while kazillions of workers rebuild.

In my dream my friend and I trespassed a big construction site where it was mud everywhere. Suddenly we heard big machines coming. They sounded so huge I was scared the machines was monster robots from outer space and that we we were in great danger. To find shelter was a problem as there was no buildings there yet. We stood on a big muddy area and felt vulnerable. We saw a tunnell many meters away to our right and ran into that. We could here a machine coming on the other side of the tunnell. The machine was just an ordinary tractor with the cutest, calmest and friendliest guy (long dark hair) we could meet, and the other machine was a normal sized excavator.

More happened in the dream I didn't write about in the letter:

I became friends with this guy. I also got to know his woman. Soon she died. I went out with a couple of friends I don't know in real life and that knew the cute guy, the evening she died. They were excited when they said they were going to a concert the next evening. I asked if it was jazz, but they said no and named a band I hadn't heard of. One of them found a song and played it to me. It was heavy metal and I was sure I wouldn't attend. When the girls went to the concert I stood and watched in the background a couple of minutes, before I went, because we lived in a small community where nothing happened, one of them had said, so this was huge. So I thought almost everybody was there.

I took a walk in the forest home. My home was a yellow wooden  house where others lived as well. I had moved in quiet recently. I passed it because I was close to the cute guys house and i thought I'd say hello if he was home. He was. He didn't invite me in, though. We just talked by the door. Me mostly. I thought I'd give him time. His woman had just died so he probably was too down to be welcoming me.

5. juni 2016

Body hate. Motivating phrases.

The people who eat what the fuck they want, the amount they need and have a natural body are the toughest! Not those who are scared of not pleasing others and restrict themselves in every way.



I think also there's an incredible freedom that comes with realizing that no matter what you do, you can't just pick a weight and decide to force your body to be there without also having the horrible ed thoughts and anxiety that come with it.

To strive for a unnatural low fat body is so last year!
Along with trying to be perfect even though humans never can be.
We have understood we are all imprefect now. Get over it!

My life began when I stopped trying to lose weight and set my mind to losing hate.

I only hate my reflection for as long as I indulge my hatred. I read blogs about loving curves (thanks guys for the recommendations) and I'm learning to see my own curves through a lens of love. 

I'm accepting I'm beautiful because of my imperfections, in both body and mind. No one likes perfect people anyway.

The best way to make Ed shut up is to stuff a 400 calorie muffin in the mouth. 

It is the restriction itself that is driving you crazy, and calories kill the anxiety. If you are anxious - EAT MORE. Out in starvation land they call this emotional eating. I like to call it life-sustenance and the xmas miracle - eat eat eat. Namaste x 

Mr. Ano can not win. It lost when the energy ran out.
Who would ask a life sucking devil for advice in life? 

Fat is a critical endocrine (hormone producing) organ in our bodies -- we should no more mess with it that we should be thinking our intestines are too long or our lungs are too big. (Yes, that was Gwyneth) 

But then I had a thought. I thought that maybe freedom can occur when you can accept that your greatest fear has finally happened to you...and it's really not all that bad. 

I feel a lot less pressure to apologize for my body and a lot more pressure to apologize TO my body instead.


Body dysmorphia

I'm doing fine. I just wanted to say I became aware of my body dysmorphia again. I think I look fat, and I told my mum that yesterday, and I was surprised that she said she couldn't see any difference, no weight gain on me since before I started eating more. I looked at my self in the mirror this morning and all I could see was fat all over and thought I had gained even more since yesterday when i ate 800 calories above minimum. But then I tried to look in a different way. Tried to see if I could look thin, as she probably looked at me, and then what I saw was completely different. I think it's important for me to be aware of my tendency to see just fat and remember to switch the way I look at my body.

Before, i had to check how my body looked in windows and mirrors all the time to confirm I still looked skinny, because I couldn't trust the way I looked at my self in the bathroom mirror when all I saw was fat. I still do it sometimes, but try not to be too obsessed about it.

I don't fear weight gain now, but I don't want it either. Just have to accept it. I guess I will think it will be harder the more I gain, of course. But I will try not to focus too much on my looks, but the positive aspects of recovery instead.

3. juni 2016


I eat processed food now. Sausages! I have missed them for decades. I didn't know eating freely could be so important for my wellbeing and mood. I think I have feared becoming a horrible person if I ate enough, as if I ate more I would give the beast inside of me fuel, but the opposite is true. I had a bad mood when I restricted and could become very angry because I didn't have the strength to deal with anything. Now everything is fine:) I have been afraid of gaining weight for all these years, but feeling this good is way better than being skinny and feeling weak, as if that made me safe somehow.

Those who love you and your personality don't mind how your body looks. The more we restrict the more the personality disappears and the lonelier and more bored we get. When we eat enough we can cherish that we have energy to express ourselves, not only have energy "to walk as a ghost through town".

Accepting a higher set point weight than what is preferred.

I can only talk for myself, for what helps me accept that my set point weight is higher than I want it to be. Accept doesn't come flying to me. I have pushed myself to try to accept it. The same with getting motivated for recovery. I have to make an effort and seek it.

I remember having a bigger body before getting sick and I was fine with it because I felt good. It was when some tragic events happened I blamed my body and started studying it critically. I couldn't control and stop other peoples cruelty so I identified my body with that cruelty so I could control it (kind of). The body got the blame and it suddenly looked way bigger than it really was and I felt it was all those things the cruel people was. Vulgar, selfish, not to be trusted, pig-like and with uncontrollable desires. My point is the body doesn't deserve the hate and the critical perspective.

There are things we can't control and we have to accept it. And that includes how the body looks. I know you have love for your body hidden somewhere in your mind. You must want it to be found.  It isn't us that should be imprisoned, but those fuckers that fucked us up.

What motivates me and helps me accept recovery is thinking about the positive aspects about it and the negative aspects I experienced when I was restricting that will disappear. Health issues, mood, freedom etc.

Recovery and remission.

I use the term “in active recovery” across the site, but what you achieve at the end of a successful recovery process is, hopefully, a full remission. The end state is not a full recovery. No one ever recovers from a restrictive eating disorder. The nature of chronic neurobiological conditions is that they cannot be cured.
I have often reiterated the following as well: restrictive eating disorders are either active or in remission. Remission can be permanent, or there can be flares of the condition in times of stress (a relapse).

Signs of remission:
1) You look forward to gatherings and celebrations that center on food. Like all those without an eating disorder, you indulge happily and do not compensate either before or after the event.
2) You have no forbidden foods, unless of course they could actually kill you (think peanut allergy).
3) You are a force for moral absolution. Your relationship with food is a morality-free zone and it has far reaching influence on those around you, not to mention yourself.
4) You experience your body, and every body, as a miracle every day. You marvel at the healing of a bruise. You stop to watch your fingers flying over a keyboard and are amazed. You see form and function and the innate power of the body.
5) You understand on a cellular level that “savoring” is a state of transcendence and transubstantiation. Transforming food into life-giving energy is freaking phenomenal!
6) You feel connected.
While many with eating disorders can feel strangely energized and alive in a state of extreme energy depletion, they rarely feel connected in that state. In fact, they feel a high in the disconnection. Connection is actually an ambivalent state and you are able to hold the ambivalence with appreciation. It is not always joyous, supportive or healing to be connected to others. But you are ok with that.
7) You are fluid. (I think she means like fluid, Changable, flexible)

**Here is how you know you are ready to attempt eating to your hunger cues:
Your weight appears stable. (weighing yourself is not necessary to determine that).
If you have dealt with amenorrhea during your restriction, then you have achieved 3 consecutive periods in a row.
You are continuing to eat minimum amounts and it is comfortable to do so.
Other lingering signs of repair seem complete (no longer cold, tired, achey, dealing with water retention, no brittle hair or nails etc.)
You think you may need to start eating to hunger cues and are a bit anxious that you can trust those cues.
Note Item 5—if you are feeling extremely confident about eating to hunger cues then chances are you are a ways away from remission still.
You move from meal plans or counting calories to eating to hunger cues by attempting a 3-day experiment. Eat to your hunger cues but jot down everything you eat. At the end of those three days you should discover that your hunger has taken you to approximately the recovery guidelines you have been following thus far. If so, then you can likely trust your hunger cues and move into your remission with some confidence.**

If you have a couple of the following you haven't recovered:
- Reflections in mirrors/surfaces are 'dysmorphic' eg look disconnected etc.
- Don't feel muscles properly = nerves not repaired yet.
- fidgeting/restlessness/agitation = bodies way of getting you to move to find food.
-no expendable energy

If you are six months or more into the recovery process and you’ve found yourself unhappy with having to eat to the minimum intake, then eat to hunger cues for three to five days. Log all the food you eat in those days and at the end of the test phase, add up all the calories and average the intake out to arrive at your daily average.
If the daily average appears within 200 or so calories of the minimum intake guideline for your age/sex and height, then try another five-day test period in the same way. If you see no progressive restriction in your intake, then Huzzah! You are likely in remission.

When body fat is completely recovered and fat free mass recovery is still well below normal, excessive hunger is still evident, but disappears as fat free mass recovery approach to 100%.

Extreme hunger in brain or body.

I think I have trouble sleeping because it is so hot outside during the night. Perhaps not. Perhaps that is just an excuse, cause last night the reason why I didn't fall asleep was that I was thinking, planning on what new to eat the next days! It was like EH (mania) in my brain, not the rest of my body. I, no my brain, was afraid I would get bored of the food and not be able to eat enough so it was trying to figure out I could eat! Ha ha! Wish I could talk to an intelligent part of my body and assure it I will continue eating a lot every day. Relax!

I have a theory but the only experience is my own so I'd love to hear your experiences.
The theory is that EH comes when you have restricted very much, eaten almost nothing (300-500 cal. a day for example) for a long time. I had EH after eating like that when I was 18/19 years old, but now that I had eaten 1500 a day for many years before going into full recovery and eating the double I do not experience EH. I'm very hungry and have a huge appetite, but I have not been so hungry that I have mecanically eaten a huge amount more than 3000 cal. and out of control. Do you have the same experience or is the theory only for my body?

2. juni 2016

Emotional eater?

If your body didn't need the food you wouldn't have eaten. Bored, emotional or what ever is not the main cause of eating. It can be the thing that push you to allow the body to get food. But that's it. Boredom doesn't need food. Noone ever criticised people for eating when they were happy in a party. We are emotional beings, eating or not.

There is one important thing missing in this cycle:
and that destroys the whole illustration. It is restriction. Restriction is the cause of "over"eating. You are not being an over eater or emotional eater when you have been restricted your intake of food. You have had reactive eating, a result of starvation, a reaction on hunger signals.
"But why do I eat so much?" Do you eat more than you restricted?
It is the ED thoughts that causes the guilt and remorse (and restricting behaviour). This illustration sucks.

The supporters challange

I have been thinking about non-ED people who can't seem to grasp why we need more food than normal amounts. I think some may be horrified to see we are out of control. It scares them and reminds them of how powerless we all really are. The fear hinder them from thinking anything new. They get tunnell vision. The body is acting like an animal. Scary to watch when it's a new experience. I was scared when I experienced EH when I had never heard about it or anything recovery related when I was 19. I thought I acted like crazy, but I just had to join the ride. There was no other option. I have experienced this kind of powerlessness many times after that when I was overwhelmed by strong emotions. I tried to hold them back, but then I just got anxiety. Power, pure power, is beyond our control. That is the forces of nature and the spiritual realm.

Of course it is other reasons why people can't grasp why we need so much. They just haven't heard about it before and if they don't believe you it may be because they don't trust that you know what you are talking about. I mean, young and all. I don't give up trying to convince somebody. I'm stubborn and explain things untill they believe me. I'm pretty intense so they can't escape:)

1. juni 2016

The importance of eating above minimum.

I managed to eat 800 calories above minimum today. I did it because if I only eat minimum the recovery will take so much longer. I got a reminder of that today, thank God. There was a girl who had just eaten minimum and wasn't recovered after 19 months! When she ate more she was soon recovered. I'm glad I was shaken out of the same pattern so I can recover at a high speed.

I think using a very long time to recover is more frightening than eating the amount the body needs to get well as quickly as possible. I have just done it for a few days now, eating above minimum. I had to think the opposite of what the ED has taught me so I could do the opposite, and my mood is so much better! I will not eat less and get the bad mood again! My perspective is much wider than it was too.

Food is not an enemy. It's the opposite. Everything in recovery is opposite from what the ED say. Eat above minimum, eat as calorie dense as possible, eat as much as possible, follow your body's hunger and appetite signals, body fat is a good thing, relaxing and sleeping enough is a good thing, to care less about our looks is a good thing, to care less about what other thinks is a good thing, to feel and express our emotions and our sexuality is a good thing. To express exactly what we think and go for what we really want is a good thing. And most importantly: to stop believing in ED' lies is the best thing. Because that gives freedom. Out of freedom comes happiness. Out og happiness comes goodness. Goodness that gives peace and true satifaction, and never judge and reject anything.

The best ice cream ever!

I made ice cream yesterday and ate some today. It is so good. It taste like chocolate icecream from the shop, only better. (Or I have forgot the taste. It takes less than ten minutes to make it.

Whisk 3 egg yolks till it looks lighter. 5 minutes or so.
Whisk 3 dl whipping cream till it's creamy in another bowl.
Add 3 teaspoons of (drinking) cacao
+ 16 natreen tablets (or 16 teaspoons of sugar etc) to the eggs.
I also added 1/2 a teaspoon vanilla powder and a bit of salt.

Whisk the eggmix and add this to the cream and whip it together.
Put it in a lunch box or something with a lid and freeze for a few hours.