11. juni 2016

Dark chocolate and fibres (constipation)

I have eaten dark chocolate with sugar so I can eat as much as I want of it without getting stomach pain from sugar alcoholes or fibres that replaces sugar in low carb chocolates, but hey how stimulated I became of eating it. Found out 100 grams of dark chocolate has as much coffein as a cup of coffee! I never drink coffee because I can't stand the stimuli. I'm not comfortable with eating a lot of sugar so I will not eat milk chocolate instead, so I will just try to manage the coffein. The first time I ate the whole 100 gram divided on three meals I felt so satisfied the next day because I had really craved eating much chocolate for so long and I really need the iron it it. That day I got 1,5 of my daily need covered.

I have also found out how my constipation got worse. I think it is caused by quest bars and chocorite bars that has added fibres. You know when the digestion is slow the water the fibres hold will disappear before the fibres have reached the end, so instead the fibres make the stool even dryer and harder to get out. I used to eat a salad at each meal, a lot of fibres, but had constipation anyway. So fibres is not the solution to constipation when the stool use a lot of time getting through the large intestines.

I have ordered fennel i capsules from iherb to deal with constipation and gas. I will not use fibres or stupid pills. I got addicted to senna, so I had to find something else, but right now my bowel is good. Is it the dark chocolate? I look it up and find that coffein can cause bowel movement. So the coffein is a good thing for my body apparently. The dark chocolate cures my constipation and iron deficiency+ satisfies my cravings! Yay!  I love it! The chocolate on the pictures only has 19 g of carbohydrates. There is one with even less, like 15 g, but I haven't found it in the stores. It is red, named hachez and has 88% cacao. Those with 70% cacao has between 30 and 40 g carbohydrates.

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