22. mai 2016

Tell it in words

Remember It's okey to tell people who annoys you what annoys you. It is not rude to say: I'd appreciate it if you didn't... or could bla bla bla....Sometimes I have to think about what to say before I say it, to be able to express myself correctly (honest), but it's worth it. We have to learn to use words instead of body language (starving). I was very honest and said things not many people would have if they want to be polite to my mum yesterday, but afterwards we got closer, so it was worth it. Some people must hear awful things because they are pretty awful and not aware of it (self absorbed as they are). It doesn't mean I am mean for telling them and giving them a chance to understand me and how I perceive them.

Some people, like most of us, I reckon, are very aware of how we act towards others, and criticise ourselves more than we need to probably, but some are the opposite and hardly ever criticise themselves, just others, so they need to hear it from others or they will continue hurting people. I have felt mean sometimes for telling, but that is what tough love can be, and I shouldn't take it personally and think I'm mean. When people are so careless that others have to take their responsibility to act caring towards others, they can blame themselves if somebody confronts them about it

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