Many girls and women look up to models. But look at this:
Here are some statistics from the Model Alliance that may help us all to update our outdated sense of the ‘elite’ world of modeling:
Here are some statistics from the Model Alliance that may help us all to update our outdated sense of the ‘elite’ world of modeling:
- 69% have anxiety and/or depression.
- 55% begin their careers between the ages of 13-16.
- 52% of the time, parents and guardians do not accompany their children to castings and jobs.
- 64% have been asked to lose weight by their agency.
- 77% have been exposed to alcohol and drugs on the job.
- 51% exposed to cocaine on the job.
- 49% apply extreme restrictive behaviors over short periods to lose weight.
- 30% have active eating disorders.
- 30% lack any health insurance coverage.
- 87% asked to change nude at a job or casting without advance notice.
- 28% pressured to have sex with someone at work.
- 30% experience inappropriate touching.
- 30% felt they could tell their agency of the harassment and even then,
- 66% of agents didn’t see any problem with the situation/event in question
- Found here:
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