From being ruled by fear that rejects to being ruled by love that has room to embrace everything:
Before I decided to recover I saw myself from the outside, as if I were standing 2 meters away. What I saw was a mentally weak woman driven by fear and I was thinking: That is not how I want to be! I want to be bold and conquer my fears! I also want to be fully authentic!
From emphasizing what society thinks to what you think:
We grew up in a society that emphasize how bodies look so even though we don't think peoples appearance matter much we still care about it because we were influenced by the opinions of others. We care about something because it is expected by others. Do you think body weight matters much? Do you value appearance much? Do you think it is ok to manipulate the body instead of respecting its needs? Do you think bodies should only look a certain way even though they naturally differ? Recognize the destructive thoughts when they come and look at them objectively. Ask yourself if the thought is based on fear or love and throw away the fear based ones.
Many fear that others will judge them if they gain weight. Remember that it is mostly people with eating disorders or narcissists that may be fat shaming. They may do that because they fear fat themselves. Most people have been misinformed about fat in food and fat on bodies and think it is something to fear for health reasons so they may show concerns if we gain a lot of weight and eat a lot of processed foods. We will be less vulnerable if we educate ourselves enough to be sure we are doing the right and healthy thing by eating a lot and a lot of unprocessed foods for a while. If we are educated we can educate all those who do not have the knowledge about eating disorder recovery.
Apart from being educated and therefor confident we are doing the right thing, we should remember to not take things personally when people come with comments that shows they don't understand. Instead of being offended try to see things from their point of view and know you can not expect that they should know better. Both these things makes you less vulnerable. A third thing is to not care too much about other peoples opinion. If you have found your own. What others think doesn't matter much. It is only when we are uncertain we are open to other peoples view. If you are uncertain about something choose your source of information wisely.
Not lazy, but charging batteries.
There is nothing wrong with being lazy. If you have exercised without eating enough you need a lot of rest in recovery. In the beginning you will feel that need because the body will feel exhausted and need more sleep and rest. You don't have to do anything to earn your food. Babies don't do much, do they? They don't say to themselves: I am just going to drink from one breast this time because I have just been crying and sleeping the last hours. When I have been called lazy it is after saying no to do something for a person who doesn't want to do it himself.😅
From "unworthy" to unneurotic:
Many of us has said we don't deserve food, that we are unworthy. Would you say that to a child? If not is it fair to say that to yourself? When I think someone appreciates me I don't think I am unworthy. When we are sick we typically isolate ourselves. You will feel better if you socialize with people who likes your company and when you can behave a way you like.
To be neurotic is to be disappointed because you are not like your ideal. Trash the unrealistic ideals and focus on the qualities you do have and use them. Lower the bar and be humble.
From uncertainty to trust:
You don't have to calculate how many calories you eat to make sure that you eat enough or not too much. You want to calculate because you are afraid to eat too much, but in recovery what is enough is for the body to decide.
In recovery and in the future you should listen to your body and not your or other peoples head saying when to eat, how much to eat, when to rest, how much to sleep, when to sleep, how much activity you should have etc. The body knows what it needs so much more than anyone else does. And it will not gain more weight than it needs.
There may be some uncertainties like how much weight you will gain, if you will overshoot or not and if so how much, how much food you will need at week "2, 7 and 10", if you will experience extreme hunger and how long it will last, when your period will come back, when your edema will go away. Things like that. So we must be patient, trust the body and see it happens when the body decides is the right time. In recovery we can relax. No more controlling and manipulating. The body is responsible to tell us what to give the body now. The only thing we need to do is give it what it wants.
From thinking only thin bodies are accepted and beautiful to see beauty in every living creature God made:
I have started to follow plus size models and recovered people I think look amazing to rewire my brain to see that to have fat, even a lot of it, is beautiful. It helps me a lot actually. I have started to embrace the thought of being sexy. I hated that earlier. I liked being skinny and just cute, like a girl, not hot like a woman. Now I slowly try to get used to being sexy and to think that is ok. To see my body through the eyes of a man. He doesn't think: Oh she is fat. No, he will look at the boobs and the butt sticking out and just wants to sink into the soft body and explore every curve like a snake. Men look at the positive and the sexy. They don't care about cellulites and stretch marks. They love the soft bodies that we hate. We are to desire a mans body, not our own. I love a ripped body, but I don't need one. My boyfriend has it and he loves my body because it is soft. We must stop looking at bodies with a critical eye. Look for what is pretty only. Imperfections are everywhere and just makes us disappointed to focus on. We must stop looking for what could be fixed because in recovery we are not fixing anymore. We are accepting now and let the body fix. With fear gone we can love.
My boyfriend help me heal my body image when he gives me physical attentiona and makes love to me no matter how weird I feel about my "fatter body". I asked him the other day what he thinks about my body changing and he replied excited: You are just you. He sees me so often he doesn't see much change from each time while I am aware that I probably gain a kilo a week. It is easier to focus on the positive now that I have been in active recovery for 12 weeks. The positive in my appearance, personality, behaviour and qualities. Instead of focusing on what you lost, find what you gained instead. Examples: To go from anorexic to recovered is like going from being delicate to delicious, from cute to hot, from frail to fierce, from dishonest to honest, from stingy to generous, from miserable to happy, from mad to sane, from ghost-like to alive, from weak to strong, from self occupied to free, from fearful to loving.
The only way I managed to not fear foods was to overcome my fear of weight gain. Earlier I saw recovery as becoming chubby instead of seeing it as getting strength and health back. My fear of gaining weight was reduced when I saw a big and strong woman from the Masaai tribe in Kenya. I have feared not being taken seriously if I gain weight, but she was big and had a fierce attitude. I understood that weight doesn't matter. It is what you express through it that determined how people will perceive you and interact with you. It is possible to be elegant, cute, strong, intelligent, all the positive things no matter the weight of the body. But if you feel trapped in the body and hate it that's when you may experience all kinds of weird responses from people. People can smell insecurity and start criticizing, but people can also smell strength and respect you. For me who has authenticity as a goal should accept and have my natural body as well.
From looking for faults to looking for benefits:
It is easier to focus on the positive now that I have been in active recovery for 12 weeks. The positive in my appearance, personality, behaviour and qualities. Instead of focusing on what you lost, find what you gained instead. Examples: To go from anorexic to recovered is like going from being delicate to delicious😜, from cute to hot, from frail to fierce, from dishonest to honest, from stingy to generous, from miserable to happy, from mad to sane, from ghost-like to alive, from weak to strong, from self occupied to free, from fearful to loving.
Change your goals:
To be as thin as possible can no longer be a goal. If that is still a goal you will restrict at some degree and hope your recovery weight be as low as possible. You will probably end up restricting after you are weight restored if you have not already while weight was restored. You must get rid of all fear of bodyfat, weight gain and a bigger body. It is easy to say, I know, but it is possible to change this if you want to. I can tell you some ways that was helpful for me.
Before I even started to seriously think about recovering I had moved to Kenya where diet culture is non existent and most women are bigger than most women in Europe. Then I got a boyfriend who was brought up in this culture and was excited to support me if I chose to eat freely and gain weight. To conquer my fear of weigh gain I changed my mind about which bodies are beautiful by looking at plus size models. When I found plus size models hot and beautiful there were no longer any reason to fear eating and gaining weight. I started to find bigger bodies more interesting than the thin ones I had seen a million times already in magazines etc. I looked at bodies that looks similar like mine when it is at its set point weight and tried to look for the positive in it. I tried to remember how confident I once was in a bigger body before I started to restrict. Not right before, but before what triggered me to restrict food happened. I owned my body then. I knew it wasn't perfect, but I treasured the positive parts of it. I didn't focus on the negative. I didn't look at myself with a critical eye like I did during my eating disorder. To remember this as vividly as I could it helped me get back the same positive attitude towards my body.
Shift focus:
Even though my body looks weird now it is even weirder to criticize it since it is not my creation. If it was an illustration I had made it could be criticized and changed until near perfection, but it is not. And because it is not my creation it is not for me to force a change upon it. The body is given to me so I can use it for what I need to do in this world. It is not been given to me to be perfected. It is already working fine if I just take care of it. To take care of it and use it in a good way is my responsibility, not changing how it looks.
From taking things personally to be objective about what others say and do:
When we gain weight in recovery many of us are afraid of rejection and humiliation so we don't accept our weight gain and how we look. This is fucked up. I think we once (or more than once) felt that we were rejected or humiliated and therefor wanted to change to avoid it from happening again by changing our body. In recovery when we change the body back to how it looked when we felt rejected or humiliated the fear of this happening again comes back up. Now is the time to realize that it is not about the body. It was never about the body. It was about the other person. We should never have taken what the person/people said or did personally as rejection or humiliation. Try to understand the person who said or did the things you took personally so you can detach yourself from it and see that what the other person did is about that person and not you. If someone acted with lack of respect does not mean you did not deserve better. It means that person lacked respect in that moment for some other reason. Instead of changing your appearance, change what you will believe in.
From trying to change our body to try changing our mind:
We don't have to change to be accepted by others. If we do we do it based on fear. We have a drive to become better. A drive that is a loving force. This natural drive has a love for divine qualities. The qualities that if we love them makes us attracted to heaven so that becomes our home. Someone with an eating disorder have many negative thoughts and beliefs. To get healthy we need to look at these thoughts and beliefs that makes us want to destruct our bodies objectively. When we focus on them we will see there is very little truth to them. Next step is to replace the thoughts with positive and truthful thoughts and beliefs. Another thing we can change is what we will focus on. We can stop focusing on things that will not help us to go in the direction we want to go and focus on what will support us.
From masculine to feminine:
We live in a society dominated by masculine values like hard, strong and intellect. It is not healthy for women to be like men. Women has a softer body and softer voice. We function differently. Don't reshape yourself and your body based on the values in a patriarchal society. Be you. This society needs a balance between masculine and feminine. Be a part of the restoring of this balance. The world needs brave women who are themselves and contribute to the world with their uniqueness and feminine qualities. Even though a lot of people (mostly men) don't value or understand the importance of sensitivity, intuition, surrender, tenderness, empathy, humility, understanding, cooperativeness, kindness, devotedness, expressiveness, passiveness, vulnerability and so on doesn't mean they are not equally important as masculine qualities. Don't be embarrassed for being a woman. Be a natural one. Be authentic! See that a soft body is lovely. Let the men have the low bodyfat percentage. Let the men have the hard bodies. You don't have to be as active and strong as them. Don't be embarrassed for being vulnerable and emotional. Just be you. The world needs feminine qualities so don't suppress them.
If you have something you want to add, please feel free to comment.