When a man who likes you looks at your body what do you think he sees? He put his eyes on what he finds attractive. He doesn't look for flaws like we do when we look at our bodies. Where do men put their hands on our bodies? Where there is fat. They like to have something to grab on to. They love the female bodys softness. They like what is the opposite of their own. Big women are queens! Fat phobia is caused by misinformation about health and taken advantage of by selfish people who wants to make money. We live in a materialistic society where most people focus on what can be seen. You don't have to be one of them. The fact that women are queens is a fact that get drowned in all this. We must raise up through all this garbage and be the queen we are. Be confident about who you are and be among people who appreciate you. If someone says something fat phobic remember they say it because they are still scared and who cares about an opinion based on fear and misinformation? Raise above it. Only listen to the truth and the kind. Reject everything else. There is so much garbage in the physical and mental world we must put it where it belongs so we don't walk in it and look at it every day.
My man desire me no matter how big my body is and that has helped me to accept my body. I have changed my attitude towards bodies I see. I see the bigger bodies as belonging to strong women. Strong because they no longer fear other peoples opinion so much that they weaken their bodies and risk getting ill. Why should we look up to or fear those who don't dare to be authentic in every aspect of themselves? What others think and say about fat, bodies, food etc. only affect those who agrees to what they say, so make sure you change your mind into what is true, natural and healthy. Fat or not you are queen! Start acting like one. Don't discriminate anyone (including yourself) and be good to yourself. Life is too short not to challenge our fears.
I have come to this: That I now prefer to look/be natural than fake a look. I prefer to be authentic instead of fake skinny. I also are so done with starvation. I prefer a bigger body than always feeling deprived and like a zombie. I prefer to be liked for who I am instead so I don't have to fake it forever and feel like crap forever too.
If you fear weight gain ask yourself what you are most afraid of and how likely that is to happen and if it did happen how would you react and what would you do?
Imagine that everyone accepts your natural body. Then you would accept it too, wouldn't you? And that is how it should be. Everyone should. If someone don't they have an issue that you should not take offence by. As long as you stand for what is right and good what others say won't hurt you.
Hearing comments like: "You look healthy now" is hard for us in recovery. It is common to translate looking well/healthy with looking fat because for us anything else than very lean and skinny is scary. I think what we call fat is lean or slightly chubby for most people, at least when we see it on ourselves. I find it hard hearing such comments because if I am looking healthy to one appointment, what about the next when I have gain even more? I am afraid they will say stupid things like: You have gained enough now. Then I will be so angry because that is like asking me to restrict again to keep that weight and that is disordered.
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