22. mars 2015

Oh man! I've gain 10 kilos!

It took almost 11 weeks! I just had to peek at the weight even though we are warned against it, because i had no idea what my weight was and just had to know. But I was pretty sure I would be happy, and not afraid, of a huge weight gain. Now I weigh exactly what i did before started eating low carb, but still restricted: 53,4 kilos. Actually i think i look better now than at my lowest weight. I am more happy about my body. If I keep gaining in the same speed my weight will be 63,4 kilos in the beginning of june. I would like to keep my current weigh, but not if I have to starve and being destructive.

I don't want a life that is just about food anymore, and as long as I have to be so passive all the time as I am feeding my body to gain, I still have the same life as before, but without the destructive behaviour, of course.

After 6 weeks I got my period back. I have had another one too! It is rare getting it back so soon, but I think I got it because my body wanted to tell me I am doing the right thing eating so much, because i truly was unsure the first couple of weeks, because it felt so strange doing it.

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