21. mai 2015


In recovery I had no energy to do much else than watching movies and being on internet, and I really wanted to get a hobby or four. Now I collect interesting and beautiful illustrations on pinterest, and find it amusing to discover a new and great illustrator. There are a lot of them! I hope to get energy to do yoga, and i have 2 blogs. This about ED and one for philosophy. To help others is what i like best. Now that help is only happening on the internet, but that is okey. Before I got an ED I was all into classical ballett, so I think I can be very into yoga, but back then I could hardly communicate with others because I was so focused on my body /ballett. I was consumed by it almost like having an ED. So it is hard to find a path for me. I have to find a balance so I use the yoga to feel well in my body, but that the goal must be not perfection, but to help others.

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