27. juli 2016

If your mother restrict food while you are in recovery

It's not very supportive of your mother to starve while you recover from starvation. Have you told her it may ruin your recovery and ask if she can stop it and be supportive instead? Ask her if she by restricting want to risk that you may start restricting as well because she by her actions says it is ok and risk that she lose a daughter for her own vanity.    Anyway you must try to be strong in what you believe is right to do and do it. Maybe you must avoid destructive people for a while till you are less vulnerable? What will make you stronger? More food, more knowledge, more support? Get it somehow.

When we meet people who are dieting we can use the opportunity to tell them things they obviously don't know, but we have learned. Like that they slow down their metabolism, that they will gain even more fat after the diet, that they don't only lose fat, but organ tissue and muscles as well. We can tell them about set point weight that allows them to eat what ever they want. About body acceptance, the diet industry that don't want us to know that they incourage people indirectly to starve, to starve their organs, to be more vulnerable to infections and stress the adrenals which can lead to fatigue. We can tell them about the importance of sleep and rest and warn against over-exercising to heal the adrenals and cure fatigue. That eating well and sleeping enough makes us less vulnerable (take things with a laugh instead of a cry) and more tolerant towards the natural body. We can ask them if to look good is more important than to feel good and be healthy and strong. And if they have been taught what is beautyful or investigated what they think is beautiful themselves. If they could work on their own tolerance instead of being a victim of the lack of tolerance in society.  To not accept how the body looks, what it needs and so on is lack of love. To diet and exercise to be thin is fear-driven and destructive. There is so much to say to people who haven't reflected on the subject or looked up information not influenced by the diet industry, but based on the interest of health.

18. juli 2016

On high carb

A couple of days ago I loved the taste of butter and ate a lot of it, but now that I eat max 10% fat I get disgusted by the thought of it. It is like the body agrees that i should either eat fat or carbs. At least now. Glad the body is working with me on this. It's a relief I don't need to eat much protein at all. Carbs, carbs, carbs :it's not boring. It's delishes. I managed to eat over 2000 calories yesterday so I can continue doing this for at least 2 weeks as Matt has recommended someone else that had eaten low carb.

I'm so happy I don't have to fear a lot of fat gain and too little muscle gain. I am looking at my body in hope to see less water weight. I can't see any change yet. I'm glad I found Matt Stones work now before I had gained too much fat. I have probably what I need, even though I can't be sure because what is water weight and what is fat is impossible to tell at the moment. So looking forward to less water. Maybe I shouldn't be too impatient because water weight means healing and it's good the healing can continue on carbs as well. I want to get healed NOW, but it does take a lot of time and I have just had 2 months. In the starvation experiment the men had not healed much in two months at all. After 4-6 it was much better.

I had a lot of gas yesterday evening so it was hard to be able to sleep tonight. But it was released this morning with perfect stool. Hope it will get better soon. I think gas is better than constipation.

What is a surprise to me is that without adding beans, cheese, fish or meat the protein I get is still above my need. That is amazing. I am bored of meat and fish so that is great, I think. It's protein in the whole wheat, whole spelt, oats and the light milk I drink with a little cacao powder in.

I always thought oats was boring, but now I love it with pineapple and vanilla yoghurt( artificially sweetened). I eat mashed potatos and home made rolls from whole wheat or spelt. I'm going to try baking with corn flour and buck wheat as well. I don't add anything to the flour other than water and salt. It tastes amazing anyway.

I have eaten above 2000 the three days I've eaten low fat high carb. My minimum is supposedly 2500, but I'm not far from it so I'm ok with that. I have eaten 4500 for many weeks so I think it's fine.

16. juli 2016

No more low carb

After reading what Matt Stone says about low carb and weight I read a lot in panick to make sense of it all the past two days. Already today I am eating carbs again. Almost just carbs, to get my body used to them again. I was afraid of horrible reactions, but my refeeding must have done some good because I have eaten apples, pineapple, oranges, potatoes, yoghurt, wheat and oats with no problems other than I had to sleep almost right after eating wheat and potatoes, but I'm used to sleeping at daytime so that is alright.

I have more energy today. I have baked chibatta and rolls, vacumed, been out shopping and talked energetically on the phone the few hours I didn't sleep. I have so much energy. I feel it in my muscles. I think my almost extreme hunger was for carbs all along.

I thought yesterday that I wouldn't manage to eat the boring carbs, but boy was I wrong. I'm such a habit person. I get used to things so quickly and make a habit of it right away. To be able to eat to minimum without fat is impossible for me, at least today. I don't know how long I should eat just carbs. If I manage to increase the calories to minimum I can do this for weeks, but if I don't eat enough I should eat some fat too or I will stop the healing process and reduce my musclemass. But now I just feel great accept the head ache. That is common for people who has changed their diet, Matt says.

Some are able to overeat on just carbs. How do they do it? This is to fire up the metabolism so they can eat more afterwards and not have to restrict. Look at the blog post "Matt Stone says" and you will find more on this topic, as well as links to his homepage.

He says low carb reduces the metabolism and tires out the adrenals. The reason why i just eat carbs now that i am getting the body used to them is that if we eat carbs and fat when we are used to fat only we will gain fat weight. How I don't know. If we eat almost carbs only we will not gain fat. If we overeat on just carbs we will gain muscle weight only.

My plan is to first get used to carbs so I can eat both fat and carbs later, and then eat balanced (mostly carbs, fat in moderation and a little protein. More calories from fat than from protein. The opposite of what i ate for years.

15. juli 2016


It is more normal and acceptable for girls and women to wear shorts instead of bikinis at the beach. In 30-40 years time when the fat shaming has increased even more it will be acceptable, and soon after even obligatory, to wear large cardboard boxes with holes on top at summer time.

Great article about insulin and the low carb myth


I sendt this to the 180 degree diet:
Hi. I am a recovering anorexic who have eaten 4500 calories for 7 weeks now and have gained water and fat. I read that Matt says that you can't build muscles on low carb ( how low?) and suggest recovering anorexics to eat just 10% from fat and mostly carbs to gain muscles. I have eaten only 6 % from carbs = 63 grams these weeks a day. If I continue doing this will I gain fat only if I am just resting? My body craves fat mostly, and fruit (that I don't eat), not potatoes and stuff because it wants more body fat at the moment, so I wonder if I should wait with the diet switch till the body wants to gain muscles and maybe I don't crave fat so much anymore or start right away.

I have been on low carb while undereating for many years. I tried eating fruit after 3 years and got stomach pain so I didn't add it to my diet even though I wanted to be less strict. Now you will probably say: add carbs slowly (even though that leads to fat gain). I don't want extra fat, you know, but, I don't know. So I wonder should I continue low carb, go on the 10% fat diet Matt suggests or should I eat high fat diet with more carbs and deal with the extra fat? Most importantly: will I gain muscles on low carb when only resting like those on high carb does while in anorexia recovery? And will eating low carb high fat (372 grams = 77%) make me gain too much fat and too little muscles?

So you see where I am at. Reading Matt Stones writings has made me so confused because I trust the well informed guy. I have bought a lot of high carb foods so I can start tomorrow on the diet that I can eat as much carbs I want as long as I eat less than 10% from fat. This way I will only gain muscles. I tried to make a menu and it is very hard to reach enough calories with so little fat. So I'm worried I am ruining my recovery now. Oæææ! Confused, confused, confused.

I actually do know what I should do to not ruin my recovery and make everything perfect. That is to add carbs slowly and deal with the weight gain. It's a hard one. My fear is I will gain too much fat, but that is probably not what will happen. I will gain the fat I need quicker. I'm already uncomfortable with my gain. Recovery is so scary.

14. juli 2016

Ray Peat food suggestions

Ray Peat:

Protein deficiency itself contributes to the harm done by toxins, since the liver’s ability to detoxify them depends on adequate nutrition, especially good protein. During stress or fasting, the loss of tissue protein can be minimized by supplementing the minerals, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Salt restriction can cause aldosterone to increase, and excess aldosterone causes potassium loss, and increases the use of protein to form ammonia (Norby, et al., 1976; Snart and Taylor, 1978; Welbourne and Francoeur, 1977). Aldosterone secretion increases during the night, and its rise is greater in depressed and stressed people. It inhibits energy metabolism, increases insulin resistance, and increases the formation of proinflammatory substances in fat cells (Kraus, et al., 2005). During aging, salt restriction can produce an exaggerated nocturnal rise in aldosterone. One of the things that happen when there isn't enough sodium in the diet is that more aldosterone is synthesized. Aldosterone causes less sodium to be lost in the urine and sweat, but it achieves that at the expense of the increased loss of potassium, magnesium, and probably calcium. The loss of potassium leads to vasoconstriction, which contributes to heart and kidney failure and high blood pressure. The loss of magnesium contributes to vasoconstriction, inflammation, and bone loss. Magnesium deficiency is extremely common, but a little extra salt in the diet makes it easier to retain the magnesium in our foods. .https://raypeatforum.com/community/attachments/ray_peat_website_articles-pdf.76/

Ray Peat eating suggestions:https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/ray-peat-diet-food-choices-and-general-guidelines.20/

 Vegetarians often notice temporary exhilaration when they stop eating meat, probably because their thyroid has been suppressed. But a more serious hypothyroid state often follows, from a low protein inadequate vegetarian diet. Low protein diets definitely interfere with the liver’s ability to detoxify estrogen and other stressors.”

A few years ago, most of the nutritional problems that I saw were caused by physicians, by refined convenience foods, and by poverty. Recently, most of the problems seem to be caused by badly designed vegetarian diets, or by acceptance of the idea that 40 grams of protein per day is sufficient. The liver and other organs deteriorate rapidly on low-protein diets. 

"A simple protein deficiency has many surprising effects. It lowers body temperature, and suppresses the thyroid, but it increases inflammation and the tendency of blood to clot. Since the brain and heart and lungs require a continuous supply of essential amino acids if they are to continue functioning, in the absence of dietary protein, cortisol must be produced continuously to mobilize amino acids from the expendable tissues, which are mainly the skeletal muscles."

"When the metabolic rate is optimal, most adults who aren't completely sedentary probably should have around 130 to 150 grams. If their calorie consumption is around 3000 kcal per day, that's about 25% of the calories as protein. Great Lakes Gelatin (cooked collagen), a prothyroid protein is recommended to balance the anti-thyroid amino acids in muscle meats."

"This would emphasize high protein, low unsaturated fats, low iron, and high antioxidant consumption, with a moderate or low starch consumption. In practice, this means that a major part of the diet should be milk, cheese, eggs, shellfish, fruits and coconut oil, with vitamin E and salt as the safest supplements."

Ray: "Yes, people in New Guinea who eat nothing but potatoes for 51 weeks of the year (and pork the other week) have been studied and found to be healthy with no signs of protein deficiency."
~Ray Peat

Daily protein should be at least 80 grams, preferably 100 if you are working or otherwise active. An egg has about 6 grams, a quart of milk about 32 grams, meat, cheese, and fish are usually about 20% protein, so a pound would be enough for a day. It's important to have fruit or other carbohydrate with the protein for efficient metabolism. Milk, cheese, eggs, shellfish are good protein sources, and potato protein is high in quality, if the potato is very well cooked and eaten with butter or cream. Although potatoes contain only about 2% protein, a kilogram of potato has roughly the protein value of a liter of milk (which is 3% protein), because of its high quality. Unless you are buying eggs from a verified grass-fed, free range source he recommends limiting them to one or two a day, and making sure to have plenty of carbohydrate around the same time to prevent sugar crash.

Meats like ground beef, steak, liver, and pork chops are rich in cysteine, which “turns off” the thyroid gland as soon as your body uses up it’s glycogen and ideally shouldn't be your main source of protein. Muscle meats should be eaten with the gelatin it comes with, or supplemental gelatin (see below), to balance out an anti-thyroid amino acid called tryptophan (which is also found in whey protein formulations). Traditionally, muscle meats are eaten with the fat, skin and the gelatin that they come with, so this is mostly an issue in first-world countries where we have protein powders and pure muscle meats readily available. Chicken liver contains such a small amount of fat it's okay to have in addition to or instead of beef liver (which should be consumed weekly). Pork or chicken every 7- 10 days is okay if your metabolic rate (thyroid function) is good. When chicken is stewed, gelatin from the skin is valuable, and much of the fat can be skimmed off(just remember chicken is not optimal). With any of the muscle meats, including fish, gelatin is helpful for balancing the high cysteine, methionine, and tryptophan content. Regarding bacon, Peat says, “The nitrate isn't likely to be a problem if you eat it with orange juice. I fry the bacon to remove some of the fat, and then refry it in coconut oil, to remove most of the PUFA.”

Fatty fish like salmon and herring should be avoided because their fat content is mostly unsaturated; as a general rule, cold blooded animals like fish tend to produce unsaturated fats while warm blooded animals like cows and pigs tend to produce saturated and monounsaturated fats. Cod and sole are good fish, since they have the marine minerals (especially selenium), but low fat content. Tuna is good as protein, but the fat it contains is highly polyunsaturated; eating once a week, especially with homemade coconut mayo should be safe.of course

Regarding his recommendation of daily gelatin:
For an adult, gelatin can be a major protein in the diet, since the need for cysteine and tryptophan decreases greatly when growth slows. Ox-tail soup (boiled for 4 or 5 hours) and lamb shanks have a good proportion of gelatin. I think most stores have gelatin in one pound packages or bigger, for example Great Lakes gelatin is usually around $11 per pound. If a person eats a large serving of meat, it's probably helpful to have 5–10 grams of gelatin at approximately the same time, so that the amino acids enter the blood stream in balance. Asian grocery stores are likely to sell some of the traditional gelatin-rich foods, such as prepared pig skin and ears and tails, and chicken feet. Although the prepared powdered gelatin doesn't require any cooking, dissolving it in hot water makes it digest a little more quickly. It can be incorporated into custards, mousses, ice cream, soups, sauces, cheese cake, pies, etc., or mixed with fruit juices to make desserts or (with juice concentrate) candies.

Peat is a big fan of dairy. He prefers milk with no added vitamins, raw if you can get it, but uses standard pasteurized-homogenized when there’s no alternative. He prefers cheese made without enzymes, just animal rennet. He doesn't use yogurt because of the lactic acid and/or lactobacillus. He avoids anything with gums in it, like cream cheese. Ice cream like Haagen Dazs is okay since it has no carageenan or gums like guar/carob bean– these are often found in foods like cream cheese, canned coconut milk, and half-and-half; make sure that the ice cream does not have any vegetable oil in it as some varieties include this. Regarding yogurt, in quantities of an ounce or so, for flavoring, it's o.k., but the lactic acid content isn't good if you are using yogurt as a major source of your protein and calcium; it triggers the inflammatory reactions, leading to fibrosis eventually, and the immediate effect is to draw down the liver's glycogen stores for energy to convert it into glucose. Cottage cheese, that is, milk curds with salt, is very good, if you can find it without additives, but traditional cottage cheese was almost fat-free, so when they make it with whole milk you should watch for other innovations that might not be beneficial.

Although Peat basically scorns legumes, he said hummus in small amounts isn't nutritionally harmful, though chickpeas and tahini are both allergenic for some people.

“Whey, which is sold as a protein supplement, and egg whites contain too much tryptophan and can be antithyroid if used excessively.” -Ray Peat, PhD
Cheese (milk with the whey removed) contains less tryptophan. Some people have been encouraged to eat only the whites of eggs, “to avoid cholesterol,” but the egg albumin is rich in tryptophan. 
The expensive tender cuts of meat contain excessive amounts of cysteine and tryptophan, but bone broth (gelatin) and the tougher cuts of meat contain more gelatin, which lacks those amino acids.

“For example, whey protein contains much more tryptophan than whole milk or cheese does, and would tend to suppress the thyroid and activate the whole serotonin-stress system. Whey might be good for fattening pigs, but its acceptance in the health food industry as a powdered protein supplement is just another example of the harmful effects of serotonin mythology.” -Ray Peat

Best sources are coconut oil and butter; olive oil and macadamia nut oil sparingly. He is a big fan of (refined) coconut oil to stimulate the metabolism. Among nuts and nut oils, macadamia is probably the safest. See the Omega-6 list below for more info.

Have some with every meal to prevent hypoglycemia after eating the proteins.
Fruit and fruit juices – If you're able to do it, try to consume fresh fruits and fruit juices every day. Orange juice is great because of it’s potassium and magnesium content. Tropical fruits and juices are excellent too. If you don’t have a juicer at home, you can buy pasteurized juices with no additives that say “not from concentrate” on the label. Juices that are from concentrate are made up of mostly added water that is flouridated. Fruits in general are fine (tropical are best), but grapefruit is full of phytoestrogens, so avoid it, and berries are full of small seeds you can't avoid, so it's better to skip them. He recommends avoiding bananas and other starchy-poorly-ripened-industrialized fruits, which includes most apples and pears (when these are ripe, peeled and cooked they are much more nutritious, and safer). Organic dried fruits are fine as long as they are not treated with sulfur dioxide; canned fruits are okay, especially if they are in glass. You can have a small apple and some cheese as a snack occasionally if it doesn't cause any digestive or allergic symptoms—the fat in the cheese is protective against the starch in incompletely ripened fruit.

Tubers – Potato, yams; occasionally well-cooked grains in the order of best to least desirable: masa harina, white rice or oats, brown rice. The phytic acid in the oats block absorption of much of the calcium; cooking the oats much longer than usual might improve its nutritional value. Canned plain pumpkin if eaten with some fat is okay, but carrots are less starchy for similar effects.

He recommends eating a raw carrot daily, particularly a raw carrot salad with coconut oil, for both its bowel-protective and an anti-estrogen effect. Summer squash and bamboo shoots are the best cooked vegetables; well cooked kale and broccoli are okay, too. Carrots are best salad. The fiber in whole vegetables helps protect against the effects of the unsaturated fats they contain (in comparison to fruit), which means that juiced vegetables with none of the protective fiber will act as a thyroid inhibitor because of the concentrated PUFAs. There isn’t anything wrong with using vegetables as a smaller part of your diet, but salads and steamed vegetable dishes shouldn’t be the main part of anyone’s diet. He recommends avoiding avocados as they contain so much unsaturated fat that they can be carcinogenic and hepatotoxic (toxic to the liver).

Coffee supports the metabolism but has to be consumed with some sugar or with meal to prevent stress response due to low blood sugar. Because of the tannins in tea, it's important to use either lemon or milk (or cream). The histamine in red wine is a special problem for hypothyroid people, usually it isn't harmful.

PUFAs and soy. PUFAs are found in processed foods, nuts and seeds and their butters, vegetable oils, margarine. Also keep in mind that if you have been eating PUFAs in the past, the oil change in your tissues takes up to four years during which your fat stores will be releasing enough PUFAs to cause you some troubles, so it requires some patience and also some skillful means to counteract their effects, like getting some extra vitamin E or a little thyroid to counteract their antithyroid action etc. It all depends on how your metabolism works.

Chocolate is okay as long as there are no additives.

For salty cravings, Peat recommends tortilla chips fried in coconut oil, and chicharrones (pork rinds) with no additive but salt (puffed in hot air). Another snack is popcorn popped on the stove in coconut oil, then salted & buttered; the oil and butter are protective against the starch, but it's harder to digest than tortilla chips or chicharrones.

For salt use Mortons Canning and Pickling salt.

Vinegar is a good antiseptic when it's used with raw carrot, but watch for sulfite when using regularly.

Maple syrup is heated to a fairly high temperature, and this creates some sugar-derived chemicals that can be allergenic and might be toxic.

Regarding whey protein, Peat says, “Powdered foods that contain tryptophan are extremely susceptible to harmful oxidation, and the best things are removed, for example calcium, lactose, and casein, with its anti-stress properties.”

Ray Peats own personal diet...

Ray Peats own personal diet from:
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/AV ... ssage/5523

Okay, Bruce, this is a summary from my correspondance with her about
what Ray Peat eats (or ate, if he's changed things) and what he
recommends. This is from 2005.

- dairy, fruit and meat are the core of his diet.

dairy for the protein, calcium, and other nutrients
fruits (or other sugars as 2nd choice) for the KAs and EAAs
gelatin to balance the aminos and to replace the need for eating
animal brains and other organs muscle meat as a supplement for
protein magnesium, etc.

- he gets from 120 to 150 grams of protein per day. Doesn't feel quite
right when he goes as low as 100. A few quarts of milk, several ounces
of cheese, gelatin in some form (broth, chicharrones, gummy bears,
etc.), at least a quart of orange juice (or equivalent other fruit),
and the occasional (rotating) eggs, shellfish, fish, and beef, bison,
or lamb, in one or two of his meals.

- says one must always balance protein with sugar (fruit being the
best) because protein alone lowers blood sugar and you need the sugar
to better metabolize the protein. So when he eats protein, he eats
sugar with it: about 1:1 fruit to meat, and about 2:1 fruit to cheese.

- says best to limit meat due to the tryptophan and antimetabolic
properties, but it can be handled if consumed with fruit and gelatin.
He does eat meat almost every day, or just beef or lamb broth When
the meat is aged he doesn't like the taste so he doesn't eat much of it.

- he eats meat with gelatin. The gelatin can be either from regular
powder or from broth cooked no more than 3 hours (otherwise you
degrade the nutrients he says).

- he avoids all fatty fish.

- says chicken should be eaten no more than one meal every 10 days due
to toxins and PUFAs.

- eggs where the chickens are fed corn and soy should be minimally
consumed (for him 2 per week if that), and with one egg you need about
10 ounces of OJ to balance it (because egg protein is a powerful
insulin activator).

- he eats shellfish about once every ten days. Shrimp, scallops,
lobsters have a high ratio of protein to unsaturated fat and help to
insure adequate selenium. Cooks them thoroughly, having known people
who got hepatitis from raw seafood.

- rotates his animal protein sources only because he gets tired of the
same meals, no health reason

- he avoids most vegetables due to their intrinsic (defensive) toxins.
He occasionally makes leaf broth for some extra minerals, but usually
prefers for a cow to process them for him. Mainly he thinks of them as

- underground (root/tuber) vegetables are okay if cooked for about 40
minutes, and fruit-vegetables (tomatoes, peppers) are okay if you're
not allergic to them.

- he avoids all other above-ground vegetables, including greens and
many herbs (basil, etc) due to toxins (even if cooked) that far
outweigh the benefits.

- says that cooked young squashes are generally good for everyone, and
although raw shredded carrots are "nutrient subtractive," it's good to
have a plate of them every day because they lower estrogen (and thus
stimulate the thyroid) and accelerate peristalsis.

- he avoids fermented foods. Stopped using black pepper (a fermented
food, apparently) about 30 years ago when he saw the toxicity studies.
Avoids things like apple cider because it is frequently contaminated
with fungal poisons. Says that the more nutritious it is, the more
likely to contain fungal estrogen and other harmful things, unless you
know the actual materials and process used in making it.
Lacto-fermented foods are carcinogenic. Cheese is okay being fermented
because of the strong nutrients in the milk to start with that
vegetables don't have.

- says reason for people's negative reactions to dairy (if the milk
isn't contaminated) is from either preexisting gut damage (from
gluten, for example) or from a low thyroid or protein deficiency
problem. People who are under stress from low thyroid or protein
deficiency have considerable trouble adapting he says, but with
gradual changes (adding dairy back in) the tissues will adjust and do
what they have to do.

- says to eat liver only occasionally because it depresses the thyroid.

- he doesn't eat fruits with seeds that can't be avoided (berries,
figs, etc) because while the antioxidants are good, the benefits are
less than the toxins in the seeds. Other fruits like peaches, plums,
apples, etc should only be eaten if organic and tree-ripened;
otherwise they have very powerful toxins (if unripe or shelf-ripened)
that can cause gut damage. Melons, cherries, and citrus are the best

- when off-season, says it's better to eat frozen fruit and juice
rather than rely on importation because many studies show that storage
methods and stress from importation and treatments make them carcinogenic.

- with cheese and milk, the feeding of the animals (grassfed vs.
grainfed) is more the issue than raw vs. pasteurized.

- he avoids all grains. Traditional "proper preparation" methods used
throughout the world to render them less harmful involved using
alkaline mediums such as wood ash (as opposed to "acidic" as Sally
Fallon suggests) and "lime" as in calcium oxide (as opposed to "lime
or lemon juice" as Sally Fallon asserts). Research shows that that
these methods will convert some of the tryptophan to niacin. Using
whey would be especially ineffective as well as problematic due to the

If a person want to lose weight they should stick with a high fruit, milk, and cheese, and stay away from muscle meats due to lowering metabolism, and also stay away from fish for the same reason. He also said that potatoes and starches will make you fat because they cause an immediate storage of fat due to the high insulin release. He said the reason you want milk/cheese is because of the high calcium content which he says is an excellent metabolism enhancer/booster.

Coconut oil added to the diet can increase the metabolic rate. Small frequent feedings, each combining some carbohydrate and some protein, such as fruit and cheese, often help to keep the metabolic rate higher. Eating raw carrots can prevent the absorption of estrogen from the intestine, allowing the liver to more effectively regulate metabolism. If a person doesn't lose excess weight on a moderately low calorie diet with adequate protein, it's clear that the metabolic rate is low. The number of calories burned is a good indicator of the metabolic rate. The amount of water lost by evaporation is another rough indicator: For each liter of water evaporated, about 1000 calories are burned.

As for sugar vs. starch:
"Starch and glucose efficiently stimulate insulin secretion, and that accelerates the disposition of glucose, activating its conversion to glycogen and fat, as well as its oxidation. Fructose inhibits the stimulation of insulin by glucose, so this means that eating ordinary sugar, sucrose (a disaccharide, consisting of glucose and fructose), in place of starch, will reduce the tendency to store fat."--Peat 
Roots/tubers are second best to fruit. 

Mary Shomon: You've mentioned eggs, milk and gelatin as good for the thyroid. Can you explain a bit more about this?

Dr. Ray Peat: Milk contains a small amount of thyroid and progesterone, but it also contains a good balance of amino acids. For adults, the amino acid balance of cheese might be even better, since the whey portion of milk contains more tryptophan than the curd, and tryptophan excess is significantly antagonistic to thyroid function.

The thyroid gland is extremely quick to adjust its activity, both up and down, except when it's inhibited by stress, or PUFA, or estrogen, etc."-RP


A low protein diet, similar to that eaten by a large proportion of women (0.8 g/kg of body weight) increases PTH, and so probably contributes to the development of osteoporosis and the diseases of calcification. In an extreme protein deficiency, there is a shift towards inflammation, serotonin excess, and excessive clotting, which might be related to the effect of the milder, more common protein deficiency.

Most loss of calcium from bones occurs during the night. PTH tends to cycle with prolactin, which increases during the night, along with cortisol and the other stress hormones. These nocturnal hormones probably account for the morning stiffness seen in many rheumatic conditions, connective tissue diseases, and in aging. 
Progesterone, which increases the carbon dioxide content of the tissues, is remarkably able to inhibit the actions of most of the inflammatory and catabolic mediators, and to protect against degenerative calcification and osteoporosis. It also protects against abnormal clotting. PTH increases platelet calcium concentration, and under some conditions can produce inappropriate coagulation. 
Aspirin inhibits the actions of PTH, helping to prevent the calcification of inflamed tissues, and it inhibits the loss of calcium from bones. 
Aspirin helps to increase the oxidation of glucose, reinforcing the effects of thyroid hormone. It can antagonize vitamin K, potentially increasing a bleeding tendency, but with a supplement of K it's safe to test the effects of a standard 5 grain tablet with a meal twice a day, to see if it helps to prevent hyperglycemia.

SM: "I guess what you're saying is 400 calories from orange juice
is not comparative to 400 calories from potatoes or rice."

Ray Peat: "...uh, definitely not. It [the orange juice] stimulates your metabolism and suppresses
the stress hormones."

SM: "Whereas 400 calories from baked potato and rice would increase your stress hormones
and suppress your metabolism?"

RP: "Yeah. And then there's the matter of the starch particles, that if you don't have some saturated fat
with them some of the starch particles can set up a whole pattern of stress and injury by entering
the blood stream."

 when you direct your attention to the sensory surface, rather than to the object, you can notice that the process of noticing affects what you notice. Attention to this process makes it possible to feel the process of thought interacting with sensations. https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/ray-peat-email-advice-depository.1035/page-8

Yes, any starch can cause endotoxins; long cooking, and butter or cream, can reduce that effect.

 Hypothyroidism is one thing that commonly causes leaky gut, as well as leaky liver, muscles, heart, thyroid gland, etc. The immune system reacts to the leakiness, and although it might be an effect, rather than a cause, the presence of antibodies is sometimes said to show autoimmunity.

The ratio of calcium to phosphate is more important than the absolute amount of calcium. 4 ounces of cheece would usually be enough.

Hypothyroidism is the basic cause of heavy menstruation. Things strong enough to kill an embryo can't be harmless to a person.

 Polyunsaturated fats damage the pancreas and increase stress hormones, while glucose stimulates the renewal of insulin-secreting cells. Fruits provide minerals that help to regulate glucose metaboiism, and help to regulate thyroid function.

 Both sugar and fat stimulate the digestive system hormone that stimulates brain cell renewal. Progesterone helps to reduce tension and excitation, and protects nerves. Pregnenolone reduces stress, and protects nerves.

I don’t think silicon is safe, or has value as a nutrient. I recommend many foods containing considerable amounts of silicon, such as meats, liver, shell fish, bamboo shoots, and mushrooms, but there are many products on the market that contain silicon in forms that can be harmful.

Getting the body temperature too high can deplete glycogen and lower blood glucose, sometimes causing fainting.(About hot tubs).

In response to a question about the theory of body weight having a "set point":

I asked Dr Peat about alopecia areata. Ray Peat said: Hypothyroidism is often a factor, and I think the “autoimmune” process is promoted by endotoxin and nitric oxide from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine; a pregnenolone supplement can improve response to thyroid supplements. Well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots have antiinflammatory, antiseptic effects that can reduce inflammation and might reduce the stress-induced fat deposition. If you don’t get regular sun exposure, vitamin D supplements might help.
"I’ve had a fiber-free diet for many years."
I think periods of intense muscular exertion should be limited to 20 or 30 seconds, followed by rest periods. Otherwise, T3 falls and the stress signals rise. If mental activity has a sense of obligation, of being pushed, it can raise the same stress mediators (serotonin, TSH, prolactin, CRH, cortisol, etc.), but if the attitude is one of opening and exploring new possibilities, it activates restorative processes throughout the body.
Concentric resistance training has an anabolic effect on the whole body. Sprinting is probably o.k. Endurance exercise is the worst. I don't think martial arts are necessarily too stressful. The two things that most often make exercise harmful are activity that keeps the lactic acid high chronically, and "eccentric" exercise, in which muscles are stretched while contracting, as in running downhill.
Thyroid is essential for helping cells to retain magnesium.

Milk, orange juice, and coffee safely accelerate the removal of heavy metals from the tissues.
Vitamins D and K, and calcium are important for stabilizing the heart rhythm.
After the liver's glycogen is depleted, fasting destroys the tissues, starting with the thymus, then the muscles and liver.
The pectin in raw apples causes the intestine to release serotonin into the blood, so well cooked apples have much less effect. Fruits contain almost no salicylic acid.

[Bleeding gums] It's usually a sign of stress, often from over-growth of bacteria in the upper intestine. A daily raw carrot, shredded with a little vinegar and olive oil, can suppress bacteria.

"I occasionally use some powdered gelatin for things like making marshmallows, but usually I get my gelatin from soup, such as ox-tails. lamb shanks, or chicken backs and wings."

"I think pregnenolone can protect against stress and conversion of DHEA to estrogen.

Many of the events involved in inflammation are increased by estrogen, and decreased by vitamin E. Estrogen causes capillaries to become leaky; vitamin E does the opposite. Estrogen increases platelet aggregation, and decreases a factor that inhibits platelet aggregation; vitamin E does the opposite.
Excess clotting is known to be caused by too much estrogen, and also by a vitamin E deficiency.
Clotting leads to fibrosis, and there is clear evidence that vitamin E prevents and cures fibrotic diseases, but this still isn't generally accepted by the powerful medical institutions. Estrogen and polyunsaturated fats increase fibrosis.http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/vitamin-e.shtml

“Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or ‘aerobic’ (i.e. anaerobic) exercise, and diets containing beans, lentils, nuts, unsaturated fats (including carotene), and undercooked broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, or mustard greens. Many health conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal proteins, oils instead of butter, carotene instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of a stimulating life.”  Low protein diets definitely interfere with the liver’s ability to detoxify estrogen and other stressors.” 

Weight Loss

My recommendation is to eat to increase the metabolic rate (usually temperature and heart rate), rather than any particular foods. Usually the increased metabolic rate, with adequate protein, causes some muscle increase, and when that happens the basic calorie requirement will increase. The increase of muscle mass should continue for several weeks, and during that time the weight might increase a little, but usually the loss of water and fat will compensate for the greater muscle mass. I have heard from several people that they think I recommend drinking whole milk, which I don't, because the amount of fat in whole milk is very likely to be fattening when a person is using it to get the needed protein and calcium. When a person wants to lose excess fat, limiting the diet to low fat milk, eggs, orange juice, and a daily carrot or two, will provide the essential nutrients without excess calories.
Per calorie, sugar is less fattening than starch, partly because it stimulates less insulin, and, when it's used with a good diet, because it increases the activity of thyroid hormone. There are several convenient indicators of the metabolic rate--the daily temperature cycle and pulse rate (the temperature should rise after breakfast), the amount of water lost by evaporation, and the speed of relaxation of muscles (Achilles reflex relaxation).
When the polyunsaturated fats in the diet are reduced, the amount of them stored in the tissues decreases for about four years, making it progressively easier to keep the metabolic rate up, and stress hormones down.
The ratio of calcium to phosphate is very important; that's why milk and cheese are so valuable for weight loss, or for preventing weight gain. For people who aren't very active, low fat milk and cheese are better, because the extra fat calories aren't needed.
There are different kinds of weight gain. When a person's metabolic rate increases, and stress hormones decrease, for example when adding two quarts of milk to the daily diet, their muscle mass is likely to increase, even while their fat is decreasing. Since muscle burns fat faster than fat does, caloric requirements will gradually increase.
People on a standard diet will typically burn 200 or 300 more calories per day when that amount of sugar is added to their diet; but if extra fat is added, too, some of the extra calories are likely to be deposited as fat. It's important to watch the signs of changing heat production as the diet changes.
Yes, I know people who have lost weight just by eating a raw carrot every day, reducing endotoxin stress. The liver treats PUFA as it treats toxins, but when their concentration is too high, they poison the detoxifying system. Oleic acid, which we can make ourselves from carbohydrates, greatly activates the detox enzyme system.
Yes, that's why a resistant (antiseptic) fiber such as bamboo shoots or raw carrot helps with weight loss, it reduces endotoxin and the stress hormones, and lets the liver metabolize more effectively.
It's the stored PUFA, released by stress or hunger, that slow metabolism. Niacinamide helps to lower free fatty acids, and good nutrition will allow the liver to slowly detoxify the PUFA, if it isn't being flooded with large amounts of them. A small amount of coconut oil with each meal will increase the ability to oxidize fat, by momentarily stopping the antithyroid effect of the PUFA. Aspirin is another thing that reduces the stress-related increase of free fatty acids, stimulating metabolism. Taking a thyroid supplement is reasonable until the ratio of saturated fats to PUFA is about 2 to 1.
Yes, it's best to lose it slowly. When I tried adding about a tablespoon of coconut oil once a day I lost about two pounds a week, for several weeks, without eating less.
Some muscle-building resistance exercise might help to increase the anabolic ratio, reducing the belly fat.

The adrenal glands use it to produce their antistress hormones, and when there is enough progesterone, they don't have to produce the potentially harmful cortisol. In a progesterone deficiency, we produce too much cortisol, and excessive cortisol causes osteoporosis, aging of the skin, damage to brain cells, and the accumulation of fat, especially on the back and abdomen. 

 If a woman has ovaries, progesterone helps them to regulate themselves and their hormone production. It helps to restore normal functioning of the thyroid and other glands. For migraines, it has been taken orally just as the symptoms begin. An average person produces about 30 milligrams daily during the 2nd two weeks. The solution I have used contains approximately 3 or 4 milligrams of progesterone per small drop. Three to four drops, or about 10 to 15 milligrams of progesterone, is often enough to bring the progesterone level up to normal. That amount can be taken days 14 through 28 of the menstrual cycle; this amount may be repeated once or twice during the day as needed to alleviate symptoms.  

The cyclic use of progesterone, two weeks on, two weeks off, will often keep the normal menstrual cycle going. Low thyroid is one cause of excess estrogen, and when high estrogen is combined with low thyroid, the skin looks relatively bloodless.  Dark cloudy winters in England or the Pacific Northwest are powerful stressors, and cause lower production of progesterone in women, and testosterone in men. Toxins can produce similar symptoms, as can nutritional deficiencies. A very common cause of an estrogen excess is a dietary protein deficiency--the liver simply cannot detoxify estrogen when it is under-nourished. 

Progesterone stimulates the ovaries and adrenals to produce progesterone, and it also activates the thyroid, so one dose can sometimes have prolonged effects. It shouldn't be necessary to keep using progesterone indefinitely, unless the ovaries have been removed. In slender post-menopausal women, 10 mg. per day is usually enough to prevent progesterone deficiency symptoms.

Recent publications are showing that excess phosphate can increase inflammation, tissue atrophy, calcification of blood vessels, cancer, dementia, and, in general, the processes of aging. While fructose lowers intracellular phosphate, it also lowers the amount that the intestine absorbs from food. The "anti-aging" protein, klotho, increases the ability of the kidneys to excrete phosphate , and like fructose, it supports energy production and maintains thermogenesis.  Niacinamide is another nutrient that lowers serum phosphate and also by reducing its reabsorption by the kidneys. The foods naturally highest in phosphate, relative to calcium, are cereals, legumes, meats, and fish. Many prepared foods contain added phosphate. Foods with a higher, safer ratio of calcium to phosphate are leaves, such as kale, turnip greens, and beet greens, and many fruits, milk, and cheese. Coffee, besides being a good source of magnesium, is probably helpful for lowering phosphate, by its antagonism to adenosine.

Long hours of daylight are known to increase progesterone production. Chronic constipation, and anxiety which decreases blood circulation in the intestine, can increase the liver's exposure to endotoxin. Endotoxin (like intense physical activity) causes the estrogen concentration of the blood to rise. Diets that speed intestinal peristalsis might be expected to postpone menopause. A deficiency of thyroid, vitamin A, and LDL-cholesterol can also prevent the synthesis of progesterone. Vitamin E: Estrogen antagonist, energy promoter, and anti-inflammatory. B vitamin deficiencies alone are enough to cause the liver's underactivity, and to cause estrogen dominance, and a simple vitamin A deficiency causes an inability to use protein efficiently or to make progesterone, and in itself mimics some of the effects of estrogen."

People under stress, or who have a thyroid deficiency, or who don't eat enough protein, typically have elevated estrogen levels. The accumulation of the “essential fatty acids,” the polyunsaturated oils, in the tissues promotes the action of estrogen in a variety of ways, and this effect of diet tends to be cumulative, and to be self-accelerating. 

(Me: so to lower estrogen (and the edema before the period) daylight, vitamine e, selenium, coffee, salt, enough protein, vitamine d, b6 and carrots are good. Avoid plastic bottles, PUFA)

There are several prescription drugs that protect against serotonin excess, but thyroid and gelatin (or glycine, as in magnesium glycinate) are protective against the serotonin and melatonin toxicities.

Others on the ray peat forum says:
Taurine is an amino acid, and Ray Peat often warns against taking free amino acids.
Avoiding food that irritate stomach is the most effective way to lower serotonin and using daily raw carrot salad. I read one study that found papaya do the best
job of breaking down gelatin protein. 
Daily human doses of caffeine in the 200mg-400mg range flush the liver of its fat. Also, since caffeine is anti-estrogenic that would help the liver detox even better since it relieves it of estrogen, which Peat said is the single biggest burden for the liver (except PUFA of course).
Eating fructose rich carbohydrate increases phosphorus
loss. If your carbs are mostly from sucrose and fruits then you can get away
with higher amount of phosphorus in the diet. It is a big problem when
starch is the main carb,phosphorus high and calcium is low.
RP mentioned that the ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be at least 1:2.
That is if calcium is 800 mg then phosphorus can not be more than 1600 mg.
But he also mentioned that ideally it should be 1:1, if there is 800 mg calcium then
there should be 800 mg of phosphorus. He also mentioned that
2:1 ratio is safe. Niacinamide is a very powerful tool for lowering phosphorus. 

 Vitamin E lowers prolactin. Lower prolactin means higher dopamine, higher testosterone, and lower serotonin. Now, some of that testosterone may aromatize to estrogen if you are under stress but this is where again Vitamin E and vitamin K come into play. Vitamin K (only menatetrenone a.k.a. MK-4 has been shown to do this) is a true aromatase inhibitor. 

Finally, even if any testosterone does aromatize then vitamin E acts like an estrogen "receptor" antagonist and in doses of 2,500mg lowered estrogen levels by 65%. If you add vitamin A and vitamin D to this duo should help with estrogen even more.

The drug pCPA Ray wrote about does the same thing as niacinamide - lowers serotonin and boosts libido like nothing else.

When estrogen is low, as Ray peat said, you should NOT be retaining any excess water.

Peat suggested in 'Nutrition for Women' that estrogen may increase the tendency for one to have "little" orgasms, with the need to have many in succession. When hormones were more in balance the tendency was to have one large more satisfying orgasm, often followed by sleep.
What are Peat's guidelines for defining hypothyroid? There are plenty of signs/symptoms - cholesterol (high), ceruloplasmin (low), prolactin (high), DHEA-S (low), pregnenolone (low), testosterone (low), CO2 (low), liver enzymes (high), TSH (high), T3 (low), etc. that can give indication of something is not functioning well. Peat said that cholesterol, reflexes, pulse, and temp are the best test for hypothyroidism and was used back in the early 20th century, but even pulse and temp are a good indicator.