Earlier I saw food as calories and calories as potensial fat. I didn't think about why the body was hungry. I never saw food from the perspective of the body.
There is one thing left I have to give up to be fully recovered from anorexia and that is to stop calculating my calorie intake. I asked God for help to get over the fear of accidently eating too much and gain unnecessary fat. It took some days before I received the epiphany where I saw it all from the perspective of the body and understood that I can trust the body.
The body is constantly doing a lot of work. For this it needs energy and nutrients. When it knows the fuel is running low it will send images of the food it needs for its tasks to the mind in time for the owner of the body to make the meal or go and get the food. I used to ignore these images because I was not yet physically hungry, but not long after I would be hungry so if I had started making the food right after I received the image I would not have to cook while hungry later. These mental images is what is called mental hunger. Someone who is never fueling the body enough will have these images a lot.
The body will give signals for the owner of the body when it wants it to eat food and when it register that it has got enough for the time being a signal of satiety can be felt. The body will not ask for more than it needs. It will not ask for extra fat so it can store it at your stomach area unless it is needed for protection and hormon production. It asks for food so it has energy and nutrients to work with.
Because the body knows exactly what and how much it needs the signals can be trusted. The only thing we should make sure of is to give it a variety of food and drink options. If the only food it knows about is pizza it can not send an image of anything else than pizza to the mind. If the only liquid you give it is pepsi max, it will send an image of pepsi max to the mind every time it is thirsty. This is also why good habits is important. If you normally drink water when your are thirsty you will think of water when you are thirsty.
My advice to people who do not have an eating disorder or who have recovered physically from an eating disorder or at least have honored the body's cravings for sugar and fat as long as that was needed is to give the body a variety of whole foods so it gets as many nutrients (vitamins and minerals) as possible and as many options to choose from as possible so it can send an image of a food that will fit its needs the best each time. Then the body will work optimally and there is no reason for it to store more fat than necessary.