20. nov. 2016

Do you experience acne and / or bloating in recovery from eating disorders or unhealthy eating?

Many heas the issues will pass in time, but that is easy to say and might not be correct. After years of unhealthy eating the body will have a hard time digesting larger amounts of healthy food. I found a great article about FOD MAP and acne. Some foods cause problems, some don't. Try to eliminate certain foods and eat others and see if your problems are solved this way. Take a look at this article:http://supernaturalacnetreatment.com/fodmaps-a-hidden-cause-of-acne-in-seemingly-clean-fruits-and-vegetables/

12. nov. 2016

Grains, which has the most iron, calcium, zink and selenium?

I have found the results for Norwegian grains per 100 grams.

Oats are very high in calcium and iron. 53 and 5 mg.
Wheat are on second place with 31 and 4,1 mg.
Barley has 27 and 2,2.
Spelt has 25 and 2,9.
Rye has 24 and 2,8.
Corn has 6 and 1,1.
Rice has only 6 and 0,1 mg and has the lowest amount and are a good staple food for men who don't need the high amount of iron as young women do.

Big differences as you can see.

So what about zinc and selenium?

Wheat are on top regarding selenium. 10 mg.
Rye are on second place with 6mg.
Rice has 5 mg.
Barley has 3, corn has 2 and oats 1 mg.

There are not big differences between the grains when it comes to zinc content.
Spelt and oats are on top with 3,1 mg, wheat and rye are on second place with 2,7 and 2,2.
Barley and corn has 1,5 mg and rice has only 0,5.

Copper content is interesting too, but I look for the lowest amount,ot the highest then, because many women has too much copper in the diet and the body.( https://metabolichealing.com/birth-control-copper-toxicity-estrogen-excess/)

Rice is lowest in copper, with only 0,09 mg.
Corn has 0,14, rye 0,27 and wheat has 0,35 mg.
Spelt and oats has 0,4 mg and barley has 0,56 mg.

1. nov. 2016

An answer to "Afraid of eating more in case I don't burn all the calories"

That is the nut shell of anorexia, isn't it? To overcome the fear is the hard part. What I have found helpful is to put new things into my mind that neutralize the fear. I am sure you know what can do that for you. To look at skinny models and compare your body to them will never get you out of the mindset, so you need something healthy to compare your body with instead. You have to want health. Then the fear will be replaced by that desire. Either you want to be skinny and fear gaining weight or you want to be healthy and fear sickness, you know. Many have to be near death to choose health. Then they find that the fear of death or illness is stronger than the fear of gaining some weight. Only that fear was stronger, than to lose all their friends, their lover, the connection with parents, their job or ability to go to school. You have to actively choose differently, go for something else. Replace the goal "get skinnier" with something else, like " get stronger" or "get more energy to go to school" or what ever you desire in life and will make you more happy. You can't wait for someone else to step in. You are in charge. You know what you need. You must hold on to the fact that you are valuable even though you haven't been able to show it lately when you were ill. Nourish yourself and you will be able to nourish others.